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(I know that the majority of people coming across this will skim over it, maybe start playing the video and see that it’s around 30 minutes long, then their first inclination is that they don’t have time for it. If you are one of those people, then there is no hope for you. You have become exactly what the globalists want you to be, which is someone that cannot focus, cannot do your own research, and has less than a child’s attention span. For those who can focus, watch the following interview with David Icke and listen to what has been in the works for a long time to control all of the world. This is part 1. Part 2 will be below part 1 as soon as it is released.)

Josh Sigurdson sits down with legendary author, speaker and presenter David Icke in the Isle Of Wight to talk about the transhumanist agenda and the plot to replace humanity with machine. While we’ve seen eugenics shake the world over the past few years, the ultimate plan is even more sinister. It’s the destruction of the human within the human. David has been speaking out against the transhumanist agenda for decades and in this part one of our interview, he bridges the goals of the psychopathic demons and the most recent moves towards a cashless society as well as 15 Minute Cities. From the carbon lie to the trans kids agenda, it is all intricately connected to this depopulation and transhumanist agenda which has already encapsulated the world to such a degree, one simply cannot ignore it.

Stay tuned for part two.

Here is part two:

Josh Sigurdson sits down and talks with David Icke about the mainstream and independent media, Russell Brand, the covid hoax, consciousness and more in this second part of the exclusive World Alternative Media interview. David explains the importance of going all the way with the truth instead of putting up barriers for popularity or in many cases as we’ve seen over the past couple of years, delivering limited hangouts to distract people from the truth. Us so-called “conspiracy theorists” have been infiltrated by bad actors looking for ways to misdirect us. We must resist such distractions and without holding back tell the entire truth.

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