The Great Reset

Klaus Schwab: ‘We Must Force Humanity Into Collaboration’

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From “” Schwab’s blunt language shows globalists are no longer hiding their agenda, if only people would listen and take them seriously. But they know most are zombies no longer able to think for themselves. World Economic Forum founder and director Klaus Schwab, speaking at the WEF’s recently concluded summer meeting in China, has informed

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Klaus Schwab: ‘We Must Force Humanity Into Collaboration’ Read More »

The Great Reset Has BACKFIRED

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From “” Whoopsie. The Powers That Be wanted to enslave humanity. Instead, they caused a Great Awakening. It seems that they “fumbled the ball” when they pushed too hard and gave the people NOTHING in return. Neil Oliver, a prominent Scottish broadcaster, explained this to Tucker Carlson brilliantly. Now, the overreach of the COVID era has sparked

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The Great Reset Has BACKFIRED Read More »

WEF-Funded Professor Calls for ‘Involuntary Depopulation’ To ‘Save the Planet’

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From “” WEF professor Bill McGuire has called for the ‘involuntary depopulation’ of billions of humans in order to save the planet from so-called ‘global boiling.’ Professor McGuire, an emeritus of earth sciences at the WEF-funded University College London and co-director of the New Weather Institute, is a far-left climate activist and U.N. collaborator. McGuire declared Saturday

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WEF-Funded Professor Calls for ‘Involuntary Depopulation’ To ‘Save the Planet’ Read More »

America: Goodbye my country

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This article comes from “” 25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed Explained in Under 2 Minutes (Article republished from A Warning to America: 25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed | Explained in Under 2 Minutes — Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) April 22, 2024 I would add several more. For example, the independence of doctors requires

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America: Goodbye my country Read More »

THE END OF HUMANITY – As Planned By The Global Leaders.

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This article comes from “” Film exposes global agenda to replace humans with AI, warns of human eradication. Did you know there is an official agenda, one which is heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum to replace the human race with robots, cyborgs and AI? Their plan is to end the era of humanity

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THE END OF HUMANITY – As Planned By The Global Leaders. Read More »

Boeing Whistleblower: Plane Crashes Are ‘Inside Job’ by Global Elite To Usher In Agenda 2030

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From “” The commercial airline industry has been hijacked by the globalist elite who are determined to bring the industry to its knees as part of the Agenda 2030 plan for humanity. According to industry whistleblowers, inside job sabotage is responsible for the spate of disastrous incidents in the air and on tarmacs across America,

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Boeing Whistleblower: Plane Crashes Are ‘Inside Job’ by Global Elite To Usher In Agenda 2030 Read More »

John Kerry’s Daughter Says BILLIONS of Humans Must Die for the ‘New World Order’

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From “” John Kerry’s daughter Vanessa has celebrated her promotion to the World Economic Forum’s board of Agenda Contributors by urging the elitist organization to transform itself into a world government and seize total control of humanity, regardless of whether “we the people” consent. According to Vanessa Kerry, the time is ripe for a globalist

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John Kerry’s Daughter Says BILLIONS of Humans Must Die for the ‘New World Order’ Read More »

Club Of Rome Unveils Plan To Cull Billions From The World Population

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This article comes from “” The Club of Rome is the psychotic brain behind the net zero cult phenomenon and book that started it all, The Limits To Growth. Except this cult wants every last human dead to reduce that pesky CO2 that the globalists that want the planet all to themselves keep complaining about.

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Club Of Rome Unveils Plan To Cull Billions From The World Population Read More »