Democrats Suddenly Care About Illegal Immigration After Years Of Gaslighting Americans

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All the surveys show that the immigration crisis is the dominant social concern for Americans in how they will vote in the 2024 presidential election.  It only falls to second place behind the economic crisis in terms of overall importance.  Abortion, healthcare, racial inequality, climate change?  Nobody cares – At least not enough people to shift enough votes one way or the other. 

Any candidate that wants to be taken seriously during this election cycle will have to address the open border problems created by the Biden Administration, and Democrats just decided they care about a month before the public goes to the ballot box.  The same people that created the problem now want you to believe they can be trusted to fix it.

Kamala Harris and many Democrat candidates have suddenly pulled a 180 degree spin on their open border cheerleading.  Not long ago they were gaslighting the American public on the crisis, denying that the danger existed and calling anyone who mentioned it a “racist.”  In September of 2021 Harris argued:

“The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, in particular over the last four years before we came in, and it needs to be fixed.” 

This was a lie. Border crossings surged in 2021.  It has also now been reported that ICE was forced to release over 435,000 illegal immigrants with prior criminal convictions into the US due to Biden and Harris policies.  Over 13,000 of those convicts are murderers.  

To clarify any confusion created by media denials, Kamala Harris was in fact placed in charge of the immigration and border problems by Joe Biden.  This is not debatable.  Harris then went on to do nothing, and even refused for many months to visit the border.  She preferred to take vacations in various Central American countries, offering them cash in exchange for discouraging people from migrating during the pandemic.

When confronted on the surge in illegal immigration, Democrats conjured up a blackmail bill – They would cap illegal migrant entry at around 1.5 million people per year (or 5000 per day), with most of these people allowed to continue staying in the US after passing an “asylum review.”  Their cases would then be in stasis for months.  The bill did not address the fact that the immigration courts already had a backlog of over 3 million asylum cases. 

In exchange for this gracious offer, Republicans would have to accept an “easy path to citizenship” for millions of migrants already in the country.  No mention of deportation of illegals already in the US.  No mention of building a wall.  No mention of ending welfare subsidies that are enticing illegals to come to the US in the first place.  It’s the complete opposite of border security, but Democrats desperately want those third-world voters familiar with life under socialism.

When Trump and Republicans opposed this ridiculous bill, Democrats accused them of refusing to fix the border problem because they “wanted to use it as an election issue.”  In other words, Democrats tried to deflect the crisis they created back onto conservatives.  But Donald Trump showed that no new bills were necessary.

It’s a simple enough problem to deal with and Trump deserves credit for proving that.  Trump created the lowest rate of border crossings the US has seen in decades and he didn’t even need to “build the wall”, all he had to do was take away the incentives for migrants to show up.    

Title 42 was a federal health order based on concerns over the covid pandemic, but the fundamentals of it could be applied without the threat of a health emergency.  In tandem with Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy, the order called for the immediate expulsion of migrants trying to cross the border without regard for amnesty, asylum or refugee claims. 

The progressive model of immigration allows any illegal alien to declare that they come from an oppressive or dangerous nation without evidence, and they can stay in the US for years while their cases are reviewed by immigration courts.  During this time illegals have access to a multitude of welfare programs and handouts.  Some states are even offering home loans to non-citizens.  The vast majority of illegals take advantage of these programs while also working under the table.  Even if they are eventually removed from the US, they have already squeezed US taxpayers for thousands of dollars in goodies.   

Democrats have widely supported this model and their motives are obvious, they intend to eventually offer these people mass citizenship in the hopes of buying off tens-of-millions of future voters.  Fact checkers continue to lie about the number of illegals entering the US; they claim that border encounters and apprehensions are not the same as border entries.  However, current Biden policies allow for the majority of these immigrants to enter the US under unconfirmed amnesty claims – They are not shipping the migrants back. 

Biden has also been offering backdoor legal status for migrants from third world countries like Venezuela and Haiti, which explains the sudden surge of such nationals in towns across America.  Harris now claims she wants to stem illegal immigration, but her policy sounds a lot like the fraudulent immigration bill that conservatives and the majority of Americans have already rejected.

The new Democrat immigration strategy is to copy Donald Trump’s immigration strategy (at least in rhetoric if not in action), while at the same time still trying to turn the millions of illegal migrants already in the US into votes so they can dominate American government for decades. 

The bottom line?  There’s absolutely no reason to trust that Harris will do anything about the border.  Beyond that, political parties should not be allowed to import foreigners and use citizenship as a carrot to buy them off as voters.  And every foreigner in the US illegally should be deported.  This is not rocket science. 

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