Pornography addiction is an epidemic that is destroying the lives of young men and marriages everywhere.
Morgan Ariel, CEO of One God clothing company, joins Stew Peters to talk about Dennis Prager’s wicked comment about child porn.
Dennis Prager claimed last Spring there is nothing evil about viewing animated child porn.
Prager is held up as a conservative icon but how is his mind so warped to believe animated child porn is not evil and needs to be eradicated from our society.
It seems like many of these famous conservative influencers are not serving the same God as Christians.
We know the normalization of homosexuality within CON INC is leading to the normalization of pedophilia.
If we don’t stop this pedophilia will be legal in the near future in America.
People must break free of the Right and Left delusion.
Our country is being overtaken by people who want to destroy innocents.
God has handed these sick people over to a debased and corrupt mind.
They are worshiping the creature instead of the creator.