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There is a reason why the vast majority of Americans no longer trust their own government: It’s because our government is no longer trustworthy.
While many Americans knew before Donald Trump was elected that there really is such a thing as a “deep state” — a cabal of government, intelligence community, Justice Department, and media insiders who call the shots and ‘run things’ from the shadows — many more were aware of its existence after the former president’s term. The deep state literally cooked up a lie — ‘Russian collusion’ — to keep him out of the Oval Office, then used that fake narrative as well as a series of leaks of false information throughout his presidency to keep him off-guard, on the defensive, and constantly preoccupied with manufactured “scandals.”
And make no mistake, if Trump wins in 2024, that’s all going to happen again.
In the meantime, our ‘intelligence’ agencies are busy meddling in the Russia-Ukraine war with manufactured narratives and outright lies, according to NBC News:

The report essentially notes that the U.S. government fibbed big time about Russia reportedly moving chemical weapons to Ukraine’s border, implying that Vladimir Putin was preparing to use them as a means of ‘justifying’ U.S. and NATO involvement, risking World War III. In addition, the government lied about China providing Russia with arms (which is preposterous given that China copies a lot of Russian weapons systems and purchases many of Russia’s systems) and also lied about Putin being misled by his military and political advisers — all as part of an “info war” with Moscow:
It was an attention-grabbing assertion that made headlines around the world: U.S. officials said they had indications suggesting Russia might be preparing to use chemical agents in Ukraine.
President Joe Biden later said it publicly. But three U.S. officials told NBC News this week there is no evidence Russia has brought any chemical weapons near Ukraine. They said the U.S. released the information to deter Russia from using the banned munitions.
The report noted further that it was “one of a string of examples of the Biden administration’s breaking with recent precedent” in revealing declassified intel “as part of an information war” against Moscow (meaning that the Trump administration did not engage in this kind of deceit).
“The administration has done so even when the intelligence wasn’t rock solid, officials said, to keep Russian President Vladimir Putin off balance,” NBC News continued, adding that the “unprecedented” effort is being coordinated by the National Security Council. The fake intel releases are coming so frequently and in such heavy amounts, said officials, that U.S. intelligence agencies are being forced to devote more staffers to work on the process of declassifying and scrubbing information so as not to betray methods and sources.
So, what is the real purpose behind this operation? Well, if past behavior is any indication, it is to keep the American people off-balance as well and eventually justify becoming more heavily involved in the war in Ukraine.
Keep in mind that the Bush administration lied about weapons of mass destruction to justify attacking Iraq (after already having invaded Afghanistan), lied about the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein working with al-Qaeda to plan attacks on our country, and then lied about Syrian President Bashar al-Assad gassing his own people as well.
To add a domestic wrinkle to that fake narrative, the same deep state lied about Trump and Russia and also about Jan. 6 being an “insurrection” — so ‘Jan. 6 Committee’ could be justified and so that its recommendations about cracking down on his MAGA movement could become codified in ‘law.’
“To suggest our intelligence community putting out phony intel is a ‘break’ from the past is just comical. It’s also comical to suggest this propaganda was to target Putin and not con the war-weary general public into supporting the war effort,” Information Liberation reported.
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