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Evidence presented at a public meeting of the Fulton County Commission shows former Democrat gubernatorial candidate and State Rep Stacey Abrams controlled and financed the main contractor used in Fulton County elections during the Nov 3rd poll and the Jan 5th U.S. Senate runoff.
Evidence showed direct financial underwriting of the staffing service Happy Faces Personnel Group, by groups controlled by Abrams. In other words, a highly partisan Democrat political operative controlled the elections in Fulton County, which also involved a Nigerian national.
The meeting is being broadcast live on Fulton County, GA Government TV.
Fulton County residents testified Stacey Abrams owns 16% of ‘Now Account’, and that Now Account financed and recruited employees for Happy Faces.

Happy Faces Personnel Group, a Tucker-based staffing service, has been invaluable to Fulton County for its election workers, said its elections chief, reported local Fulton County online newspaper The Neighbor in early June.
Though the county has been criticized for its reliance on temporary workers, Richard Barron, Fulton’s director of elections and registration, said Happy Faces saves the county money due to the fact that starting around 2015, its supplemental staff could no longer work as full-time employees because of the Affordable Cares Act’s definition of full-timers as anyone working at least 30 hours a week.
“With overtime demands, compliance demands, we would have to double our workforce, if not triple it in big elections,” Barron said. “We needed flexibility and efficiency in the hiring process.”
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