Exposing the ENTIRE FRAUD of the Pfizer clot shot: FDA must REVOKE the vaccine, pending investigations

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com”

The more chronic damage that ensues from the Pfizer China Flu jab, the more the Pfizer pharma goons dig in, as they are now pursuing “research” to pretend it’s “safe and effective” to inject children and pregnant women with the vascular disruptingcancer-inducing clot shots. The “rush” is on to inject tens of millions of American children with a dangerous vaccine that they don’t need at all. This is like giving kids a vaccine for dementia; it’s useless. Still, Pfizer has subcontracted clinical trials through Ventavia, so they can fake some statistics and proclaim the jabs are 95 percent “safe and effective” for children, babies in the womb and probably dogs and cats next.

Pregnant women and their babies now on the chopping block for toxic gene-mutating clot shots from Pfizer

On October 15th, YouTube terminated a major truth news source, SGT Report, from their channel without warning, accusation or explanation (for exposing the dangers of the Covid vaccines). This is what is happening in America should you oppose Resident Biden’s administration. The British Medical Journal (BMJ) just exposed Pfizer’s Covid jab as guilty of falsified data, poorly trained vaccinators, blind trial failures and poor follow-up regarding side effects, adverse events and adverse reactions in the third phase of their trial.

Still, Pfizer wants a broader base of customers, so they’re marketing now to pregnant women and children; however, dozens of internal company documents at Pfizer that are now published by BMJ are also accompanied by photos, emails and audio recordings revealing Pfizer is using haphazard methodology to come by these Covid jabs they are now about to push on children and pregnant women.

Any other firm (without billions of dollars) would never pass the quality control check problems that Pfizer has run into and created, exposing data integrity issues, poor overall laboratory management and even patient safety.

Pfizer experiences critical errors in research and data reporting every day, according to BMJ source

If everyone could cherry pick the data they like from their own clinical trials, then every dangerous drug, vaccine, food and beverage would get approved, all the time, everywhere. If scientists are allowed to alter data, then the entire study is flawed, and the product or medicine should never make it to market, until quality control and independent verifications can be accomplished.

From unmonitored patients after injection to a lack of timely follow-up for patients who experienced adverse events, Pfizer is LEAVING OUT the two most important aspects of their vaccine research, and that’s safety and efficacy. This is complete misrepresentation, and if done on purpose, it’s criminal. Witnesses (multiple high-level Ventavia employees) have attested to the atrocity and told BMJ about the lack of proper protocol, voids in safety procedures and abysmal methods for proper monitoring:

 “participants being placed in a hallway after injection and not being monitored by clinical staff,” “a lack of timely follow-up of patients who experienced adverse events,” “protocol deviations not being reported,” “vaccines not being stored at proper temperatures,” “mislabeled laboratory specimens.”

The employees were referring to the Pfizer subcontracted research as a “helter-skelter” environment, including the lack of enough employees to swab the participants for infection who reported Covid-like symptoms. That’s insanity.

 “I’ve never had to do what they were asking me to do, ever. It just seemed like something a little different from normal – the things that were allowed and expected,” … “I don’t think it was good clean data [that the trial generated]. It’s a crazy mess.”

Of course, there is NO mention of any of this in the “emergency approval” that Pfizer somehow obtained from the FDA. Ventavia was immune to inspections (pun intended), receiving NONE at all during the 8 months after the “emergency authorization” given by the also-fraudulent FDA back in December of 2020. What a surprise.

Just two words describe this situation: Scamdemic and money. The FDA needs to put every vaccine like this on hold until proper safety and efficacy testing can be run by anyone except these crooked pharma goons who fake-inspect their own atrocities. Get ready for a new wave of involuntary abortions and children with lab-made myocarditis.

For the best in truth news on your internet dial tune to Pandemic.news because it doesn’t take a scientist or doctor to see that Covid vaccines, Remdesivir, masks, ventilators and bad CDC advice has all created a pandemic of its own.

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