How A “Captain” Handles “Road Pirates”…

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Every person that believes in the “religion of authority” will hand over their freedom, anonymity, and property to those that they have been taught to obey. Those that want to force the authority of tyrannical politicians become “order following” law enforcers. They truly believe in harming their fellow humans, even when no crime has been committed. Under natural law, there is no crime unless there is a victim. In the world of made up legalities, the state can claim that they are the victim for something as trivial as not having a license plate on your vehicle.

Now lets think about the insanity of this for a moment. A law enforcer is out there enforcing the “written wishes” of politicians up to the point of using deadly force on a person that they know has not harmed another human. That is an evil person. They are “just doing their job” is what the indoctrinated masses will claim. So, turning off their critical thinking and believing in “false authority” is doing your job?

Nearly all law enforcement have cognitive dissonance when it comes to using their free will to say no to violating a humans rights. They cannot hold the two opposing ideals of supporting freedom and violating rights in a conversation. It is like a foreign language to them. Most all of them will choose tyranny over freedom because they are conformists and not moralists.

Most people that come face to face with law enforcement will bow down and submit to the violation of their rights. They think that they should just “go along to get along”. The law enforcers expect this sort of submissive behavior and when people stand up for themselves it confuses the hell out of these power hungry bullies.

In the video below Brian, from “Here’s The Deal”, shows us a man that truly knows how to stand up for his rights and do it calmly. In the video you will see a traffic stop that does not go the typical way of submitting to the cops every demand. It is somewhat long, because Brian makes commentary during it, but it is much needed discussion of this mentality of law enforcement in the “religion of authority”. Take the time to watch and learn from this unique encounter.

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