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John Kerry has reacted to Trump’s election victory by calling on Joe Biden to declare a “climate emergency,” granting government agencies sweeping powers to enforce climate lockdowns and compel citizens to “behave.”
In a move that smacks of desperation, Kerry is also urging the elite to morph into a de facto world government, seizing total control over humanity under the pretense of the so-called climate emergency—whether the people consent or not.
If that wasn’t disturbing enough, just wait until you hear what John Kerry has in mind for this all-powerful one-world government—one that will hold the power of creation and destruction over the entire human race.
John Kerry, the globalist conman, has always had a knack for chasing money. Not satisfied with marrying the heir to the Heinz fortune and cruising around the world in her fleet of private jets, Kerry spotted the massive financial opportunities in the climate scam and has been diving headfirst into the money pit ever since.
Not content with enriching himself and his generationally wealthy family through the climate grift, Kerry is also using the globalist’s climate change agenda to gain totalitarian power.
Kerry said the quiet part out loud while speaking to aspiring members of the global elite at the Kennedy School at Harvard University.
According to Kerry, it’s time to call a climate emergency and grant government agencies sweeping powers to force the population to live in open air prisons under conditions of extreme austerity and with severe restrictions on liberty.
Kerry admitted he is becoming “more and more” militant about the climate agenda because people are avoiding responsibility and not doing as they are told.
If people continue to refuse to submit to the global elite, Kerry warns they must be compelled to do so by military force.
Keep in mind, Kerry is constantly circling the globe in his wife’s Gulfstream 550, telling ordinary people that they need to stop using gas stoves and driving their children to school.
According to Kerry, the will of the people means nothing anymore and its time for the global elite to seize total control over the future of the human race. It’s time to accept your digital serfdom, own nothing, and be happy.
Don’t be surprised that John Kerry wants to redistribute America’s wealth around the world. The man has been a globalist techno-communist for decades.
During his 2004 presidential campaign, he made a controversial promise: that any U.S. military action would require prior approval from the United Nations, effectively ceding this critical aspect of US sovereignty to the globalists.
Make no mistake, this man is a tyrant.
When John Kerry publicly stated that the First Amendment stands as a major obstacle to silencing free speech, he was essentially committing an act of treason and sedition against the very foundation of the United States.
How dare people do their own research and “self-select” the news sources they choose.
Just like the authoritarian dictator Justin Trudeau in Canada, Kerry is pining for the days when the elite could dictate what was broadcast on the two channels broadcasting the news every night.
And just like Trudeau, Kerry’s allegiance has always been to the globalist elite and their agenda to destroy Western nations from within.
Such egregious violations demand far more than simple resignations—they require the perpetrators to be held accountable, arrested, and charged with treason and sedition against the United States.
Which would you prefer? Climate emergency measures including lockdowns and 15 minute city-style restrictions, or John Kerry in prison for crimes against the United States?
Thanks to key members of the incoming Trump administration who have been tracking Kerry’s crimes for years, you might get your wish sooner than you dared to hope.
We have all the evidence we need to haul these criminals before an international tribunal on charges including mass murder and crimes against humanity.
But first, humanity has to wake up and smell the coffee – before we do not have any rights left to defend.
The global elite are laughing at us, provoking us to see how far they can go in revealing their agenda before we rise up against them.
That globalist was dealt with and thrown out of office, but the job isn’t finished yet. It’s time to see it through to the end because these sick people are openly calling for depopulation.
According to Kerry, farming is creating too many carbon emissions and needs to be cut back. That’s right, he wants to starve the world to “change the weather.”
There’s just one problem: John Kerry’s track record on climate predictions is even more off the mark than his fellow failed presidential candidate turned climate hustler, Al Gore.

The climate hoaxers rely on fear to advance their agenda, all while hoping we don’t pause long enough to notice that none of their doomsday predictions have ever come to pass.
Imagine still believing in this never ending hoax. The climate cult hoaxers have never been right about a single prediction in 50 years. And yet, despite a 0.00% record of their dire predictions, there’s still gullible fools who make it their religion.
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) August 14, 2024
World Economic Forum Agenda Contributor Vanessa Kerry proves the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree, detailing her chilling vision to manipulate the masses into fear-based compliance by leveraging the emotion from the Covid pandemic to advance the elite’s authoritarian power grab.
The elite have already turned the switch on the Great Reset.
These plans are being rolled out in key cities around the world as we speak. The residents of Oxford, England, have been warned they will be guinea pigs for the dystopian scheme, involving mandatory climate lockdowns starting next year.
Picture this, it is the year 2049, and residents of Oxford are unable to leave their neighborhoods. If they do, a network of cameras — installed years earlier under the guise of easing traffic congestion — track their movements. If they stray too far from their registered address, a £100 fine is automatically removed from their bank accounts.
The only cars now allowed on the streets belong to representatives of the world government, who relentlessly patrol the city for anyone breaking the rules.
This is the future that we must accept to save the planet, according to John Kerry and the globalists.
But thanks to people like yourself who are spreading the word about the real agenda of the globalist elite, the people are waking up.
The people of Oxford are rejecting the plans to lock them in 15 minute prison cells, taking to the streets to demand the elite respect their basic human rights. The actor Lawrence Fox, who lived in Oxford for ten years, told the BBC why the people must rise up against this tyranny.
If they can forcibly confiscate farms and herd us into 15 minute cities that severely restrict our day-to-day behavior, what kind of tyranny will we see in the future?
This evil plot against humanity has been in the works for years, and now we are seeing it play out before our very eyes.
Sadly, most people in the general population still do not understand what is happening.
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