Media propaganda and “equality of outcomes” brainwashing makes people believe things that aren’t even close to the truth

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The corporate media is financially incentivized to project a false version of reality — brainwashing the public to accept falsehoods as truth. Big Tech reinforces these falsehoods by shadow banning, blacklisting and censoring the actual truth. The actual truth is often mislabeled as “misinformation” while the real misinformation is promoted by algorithms and advertised as doctrine across social media and news feeds. These acts of deceit and manipulation are used to control the population, to instill obedient behaviors, and to persecute those who bring truth to life.

The false narratives are reinforced through diversity quotas and the ever-increasing demands of the woke mob. These false realities are mandated in commercial advertisements, political pandering, magazines, curriculum and streaming services like Netflix. Because of this, minority groups are over-represented in print, radio, television, textbooks, streaming services and social media. For instance, LGBTQ activists infiltrate almost everything now, normalizing perversion and making it seem as if they represent the will of the majority. The reality and the truth is buried to provide a platform for a ‘more inclusive’ world, where equality of outcomes is enforced.

Forcing “equality of outcomes” has distorted reality for many

In a recent YouGov poll, people were asked how they envision their country. It turns out that Americans largely overestimate the size and influence of minority groups. This creates wide-ranging misconceptions and twisted perceptions that are only used to stereotype and divide.

  • The first question asked, “What percentage of the country is black?” On average, Americans thought the answer was 41%, however, the actual number is 12%.
  • The second question asked about the percentage of mixed-race marriages in the US. The average answer was 50%, however, the actual number is 1%.
  • When respondents were asked, “What percentage of the population is Latinx?” – the average response was 39%. In reality, Latinx makeup 16% of the population.
  • On the issue of income, Americans believe that 26% of families make over $500,000 a year. The real percentage of families with this kind of income is just 1%.
  • When asked about the percentage of gay people in the population, most answered 30%. However, the actual number is closer to just 3%.
  • When it came to guessing the transgender population, the average answer was 22%. In reality, the number of people who identify as transgender is less than one percent.

No matter how hard “equality of outcomes” is enforced, individual excellence will remain a dominant law of nature

The corporate media runs advertisements on race, gender and wealth, ad nauseam. In their efforts to enforce equality, diversity and inclusion, the corporate media and the Democratic Party have completely distorted reality and made a pariah of the minority groups they fail to champion. In this wokeness brainwashing, “equality of outcomes” becomes the end goal, as Marxism seeps in and rots out the foundation of American values. As “equality of outcomes” pervades society, individual merit, honor and the pursuit of excellence are disregarded.

The irony is that excellence is the value that is definitively colorblind and nonsexual. It is a value that favors none and is based on the individual’s drive to appreciate and make use of their opportunities in life. Excellence is a pursuit to superiority based on virtue, valor and strength. Life responds to this excellence and strength of character. Therefore, the “equality of outcomes” that are projected upon society ultimately set their believers up for failure, disappointment and mental self-destruction. The equality of outcomes approach fails to recognize individual achievement and tries to suppress human free will, but these controls will always be broken.

The denigration of the competitive spirit, the belittling of rugged individualism and the mocking of character-driven work ethic has corrupted an entire generation, who may feel that their success is based on some minority or gender identity and all the attention it brings. As the Left tries to level the playing field with their equality of outcomes, the values of individual excellence only grow stronger, because the appreciation of personal achievement only grows in the setbacks and persecution.

The woke mob cannot feign honor, merit and valor because these traits are earned. These values cannot be manipulated, stolen or faked. The false version of reality that is fostered upon society does not hold fortitude in an inherently unfair world, and therefore equality of outcomes and all the wokeness will not stand the test of time. The false version of reality that is broadcast by the woke media becomes nothing more than fruitless grandstanding, deceptive showboating with nothing of substance or truth beneath its shallow surface. At the end of the day, the corporate media’s distortion of reality cannot vanquish the undying nature of truth — a steady pulse that beats immortal, undeterred.

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