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The World Professional Association for Transgender Health claimed that the age at which children should be allowed to “transition” into another gender needs to be lowered to 14.
Two years ago, the anti-biology group said surgery and hormone drugs should be put on hold until around age 17, with the earliest age being 15. Now it wants to see children who are barely teenagers be chemically and surgically castrated and mutilated.
There are many risks involved, the group admitted, but they are worth it because it would be “unethical” and “harmful” to not allow young children to become their “true selves” more quickly.
More than 3,000 “doctors, social scientists, and others involved in transgender health issues” are members of this international organization, which claims to provide “evidence-based standards of care” for children.
Eli Coleman, chair of the group’s standards of care and director of the University of Minnesota Medical School‘s human sexuality program, said “expert opinion” has guided the change in recommendations. Children, he insisted, need to transition sooner, otherwise they will be psychologically unwell and possibly commit suicide.
Age, however, is just one factor among many in the transgender mutilation of children, Coleman claimed.
“Certainly there are adolescents that do not have the emotional or cognitive maturity to make an informed decision,” he is quoted as saying. “That is why we recommend a careful multidisciplinary assessment.”

Psychologist warns that children are being given “sloppy” treatment advice by trans pushers
The group’s aggressive targeting of children for trans mutilation was enough to prompt psychologist Erica Anderson, a former board member, to resign in protest.
According to reports, Anderson voiced her concerns about “sloppy” treatment being administered to children without adequate counseling. In other words, children are being pushed to destroy their bodies.
Anderson is still a member of the group and even supports the updated guidelines, which on paper, emphasize the importance of extensive and comprehensive assessment before any pharmaceutical pill or surgical knife is introduced to a child.
Dozens of families, Anderson said, have told her that in real life this does not happen. “They tell me horror stories,” Anderson said.
Thanks to relentless Western propaganda, as much as eight percent of children today want to become transgenders – this compared to just a fraction of a percent for grown adults.
The propaganda is working, in other words, and going trans is the new “cool” and “trendy” thing to do, apparently.
Other recently presented estimates show an even higher figure of as many as one in five children wanting to turn trans. That number, if true, will likely continue to rise as the system clenches every last child in its grip while parents mostly do nothing to try to stop it.
“If I was 13 again, I would want the opposite: hormones to correct the estrogenic crap in food, water and elsewhere,” wrote a male Natural News reader about how men today basically need testosterone treatment in order to preserve their natural biology, which is constantly under attack.
“We need to be able to peacefully separate ourselves from these mentally ill people or the future is not going to be pleasant,” wrote another about how normal people have to come out from among her (referring to Mystery Babylon) and be separate from this Baphomet agenda, which is destroying youth and the nation.
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