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Last November, we reported that upwards of 65 percent of San Diego’s police force was slated to quit over Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandates. It turns out that 22 percent of them actually did.
Reports indicate that nearly one in four police officers on the force in San Diego left their posts in the largest exodus since 2009. Their reason? They did not want to be forcibly jabbed with experimental “medicine” that could kill them, and that most certainly would have altered their natural DNA.
Los Angeles County would have lost similar numbers, by the way, had Sheriff Alex Villanueva not decided to refuse support for the unconstitutional jab mandates. San Diego was not so fortunate, which resulted in yet another mass exodus from the force.
Los Angeles city, conversely, saw more than 2,200 employees quit over the injection mandates that were enforced in that department.
In San Diego, more than 230 police officers – this reportedly does not include administrative staff – have left their posts so far in 2022. This is more than the number of new officers who were sworn in for the entire year of 2021, which totaled 252.
Wait times for emergency response in San Diego are skyrocketing
Needless to say, San Diego is now short, bigtime on officers. City officials are trying to lure new talent into the mix, but it will be a tough nut to crack as long as the mandates remain in place.
One thing the city is trying to do to attract new officers is to offer a 10 percent pay raise. But is that really worth it to risk permanent health damage or possibly death as a result of the injections?

Meanwhile, emergency situations in San Diego are now receiving delayed responses as there are simply not enough officers available and on duty at any given time to handle them.
One anonymous officer tweeted a screenshot of what Zero Hedge described as “horrendous wait times” stemming from the jab mandate.
“We have entered a stage where violent hot calls and domestic violence incidents with potential serious bodily injury are holding for HOURS,” the officer wrote. “We have also entered a stage where officers are discarding their uniforms and leaving in droves.”
“It’s not the fault of the officers currently on the job or those who chose to leave. They are doing, or did, the best they could / can. This is entirely an issue management has created.”
Based on the anonymous officer’s post, there are clearly many other problems within the San Diego Police Department (SDPD) that are also contributing to extended wait times. The jab mandate is just one of those problems, though it is a significant one.
Jared Wilson, president of the San Diego Police Officers Association, says that the jab mandate was the breaking point for many officers who were already fed up with the many other problems in the department. Having to roll up their sleeves, in other words, was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
“This attitude once again shows that such mandates are more about control than about public health or safety, given they are costing major CA cities a large percentage of their police force at a time when homicide rates are rising by 17% and property crime rose by 7% overall, climbing to pre-pandemic levels after lockdowns kept the public indoors in 2020 and most of 2021,” the Hedge explains.
“Economic declines within the state are likely to lead to even more criminal activity and city residents are starting to question the anti-police rhetoric of many far-left representatives.”
The latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” can be found at
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