Fifty years ago, journalist Gary Allen set out to write a book to prove conservative anti-communists wrong. But while researching, he realized he had not seen the hidden picture. What Allen claimed to have discovered was that a plutocracy of 3% of the population covertly controlled the lives of the rest. They had wrested control of the constitutional republic, with its separation of powers, limited government, and competitive free enterprise, and turned it into a system of centralized control by a few. How was this achieved? According to Allen, the conspiratorial clique was hidden and protected by a complicit media establishment they own and control. Also, they are accomplished liars and farseeing planners. Their subversive tour de force has been to advance the lies that a) communism is inevitable and b) communism is a movement of the downtrodden. The first lie aims to destroy the will to fight, the second to gain the support of the poor masses and justify the destruction of a vigorous, innovative middle class.