So Few Are Willing…

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Years ago, I always knew, in my gut, that something was wrong with me always “going with the flow“. I instinctually knew that I was not “seeing the big picture“. I had always been an observant, vigilant person but I accepted too many things at face value. The way I started seeing this world truly for what it is and how manipulated society has been was by focusing on myself. I am totally comfortable being in silence alone. I know some that absolutely will go insane if their is not some kind of distraction around them. You see, as long as there are distractions people will fail to see the day to day slavery that is used against society. The media is a constant distraction from people accepting reality. 2020 has caused so many to question the government and that is a step in the right direction. But to truly have freedom you must make sacrifices and accept that the world we live in is not a rose garden but a very cold, dark, and lonely place. If that is too hard too bear, then I’m afraid that you will always be living in your illusion.

Here is an excellent video going even further into this. Watch it and think about it, as hard as it may seem.

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