Something REALLY Bad is Happening With Law Enforcement…

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I have heard it all my life, “don’t judge all of law enforcement just because of a few bad apples…”. Back when I was still under the spell of all the indoctrination out there I believed that. Then I decided to join law enforcement and boy was I in for a wake up! I clearly got a first hand look at the inner workings of the “boys in blue”. I quickly learned that there are many bad apples that are “rotting peoples freedoms and liberties away”.

When I could not face what I was a part of anymore, I tried to speak out about things only to discover that you are looked upon as a “traitor” for doing the moral thing. I walked away and I am happy to say that I don’t miss them “bad apples” at all!

Here is Brian from “Here’s The Deal” showing a few examples of the bad apples at work “protecting and serving the shit out of us.

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