
The Vaccinated Are Getting AIDS: Deaths In Germany Surge 276% As Immunocompromised Drop Dead

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Vaxxed Germans are waking up to the fact they are immunocompromised and now have AIDS.Dr. Judy Mikovits is back with Stew Peters to discuss how Covid-19 was a premeditated murder scheme. Covid is a man-made genetic sequence and a weapon of biowarfare.The Covid-19 bioweapon was humanized in mice through “directed evolution” to cause it to […]

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The Vaccinated Are Getting AIDS: Deaths In Germany Surge 276% As Immunocompromised Drop Dead Read More »

Effort Emerges To Get Bill Gates In Front of Congress To Answer For His Farmland-Buying

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This article comes from “nationalfile.com” Will Bill Be Forced To Testify? South Dakota Republican congressman Dusty Johnson is pushing for Bill Gates to answer questions about his mass land-buying in front of Congress. Gates has made himself the largest private farmland owner in the United States, earning the sarcastic moniker “Farmer Bill” from Gates’ critic

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Effort Emerges To Get Bill Gates In Front of Congress To Answer For His Farmland-Buying Read More »

Receipts show that Bill Gates just paid the Chinese Communist Party to recruit more foreign scientists

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This article comes from “citizens.news” To help communist China churn out more bioweapons, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is sending cash to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Ministry of Science and Technology to recruit more foreign scientists. The Microsoft mogul himself, via his “non-profit,” just sent a $100,000 grant to the Chinese government’s Foreign Talent Research

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Receipts show that Bill Gates just paid the Chinese Communist Party to recruit more foreign scientists Read More »

International group funded by Bill Gates warns that one of 11 new viruses will become “next pandemic”

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This article comes from “citizens.news”  The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), an international globalist organization funded by Bill Gates, is already talking about the “next pandemic.” Now that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) has been beaten to death, GAVI is presenting 11 new potential virus candidates that could become the next plandemic once Gates and his cronies give

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International group funded by Bill Gates warns that one of 11 new viruses will become “next pandemic” Read More »

Starvation: The Mass Murder Long Game Bill Gates Buys Over 250 Thousand Acres Of Farm Land

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With Bill Gates buying up some of the most essential farmland that America has, We need a BACKUP plan! Clayton Llewelyn joins to tell us about what will happen if the Globalists take full control of agriculture!We MUST fight back before we STARVE! Here is Stew Peters speaking to Clayton Llewellyn about this land takeover.

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Starvation: The Mass Murder Long Game Bill Gates Buys Over 250 Thousand Acres Of Farm Land Read More »