
The “next pandemic” is coming, says Bill Gates, who says more censorship needed to “moderate some of the insanity online”

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This article comes from “” If you thought Operation Warp Speed was rolled out fast, just wait until the next “pandemic” arrives. Covid was just a warmup, according to billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, who is already warning about the next scamdemic and the speed with which the next round of “vaccines” will be unleashed. “Next time […]

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The “next pandemic” is coming, says Bill Gates, who says more censorship needed to “moderate some of the insanity online” Read More »

GMO MEAT? Bill Gates now spending tens of millions to genetically modify livestock

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This article comes from “” Through a program called UKAid, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is funneling millions into efforts to genetically modify (GMO) the world’s livestock, particularly in poorer countries since Gates has a fetish for trying to destroy the least among us. Gates claims his efforts are all about helping more animals survive so children in

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GMO MEAT? Bill Gates now spending tens of millions to genetically modify livestock Read More »

Bill Gates and his globalist cabal are about to WRAP UP their worldwide takeover

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This article comes from “” It is no longer a secret that the World Health Organization (WHO) has been weaponized for the purpose of establishing a global health police state fully controlled by the globalists. We also now know that the WHO’s top donor and controller is none other than billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates. With Gates at the helm, the WHO

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Bill Gates and his globalist cabal are about to WRAP UP their worldwide takeover Read More »

Bill Gates’ Colombian ‘Mosquito Factory’ Breeding 30 Million Bacteria-Infected Mosquitos Per Week

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This article comes from “” Bill Gates is now breeding 30 million bacteria-infected mosquitoes per week in a factory in Colombia and he is threatening to “scale and deliver” the mosquitos to “communities around the world.” The Microsoft founder and self-appointed World Health Czar has spent $185 million so far in setting up the mosquito factory as part of his World

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Bill Gates’ Colombian ‘Mosquito Factory’ Breeding 30 Million Bacteria-Infected Mosquitos Per Week Read More »

Bill Gates Wants To ‘Carpet Bomb’ Cities With Vaccines

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This article comes from “” Bill Gates is so hellbent on pushing experimental jabs on the population, that he’s now considering “carpet-bombing” cities so that the vaccines are inhaled with or without people’s consent. A recent article from Eugyppius: A Plague Chronicle reveals that Gates-associated researchers are now pushing for covid nasal vaccines that could be sprayed on

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Bill Gates Wants To ‘Carpet Bomb’ Cities With Vaccines Read More »

Real meat for me, but not for thee: Globalists pushing lab-grown meat for the masses

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This article comes from “” The days of Americans enjoying a nice cut of steak may soon come to an end, as Microsoft founder Bill Gates and other globalists are pushing people to eat meat analogs grown in a laboratory. Back in April 2021, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) mentioned how several companies are accelerating the artificial meat revolution. “For instance,

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Real meat for me, but not for thee: Globalists pushing lab-grown meat for the masses Read More »

INCRIMINATING: Moderna, NIAID, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation helped develop SARS-CoV-2 and launched predatory vaccine experiments long before COVID-19

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This article comes from “” The psychopathic plot behind the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to unravel, with incriminating new evidence linking Moderna, the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to predatory bioweapon and vaccine development. Six years prior to COVID-19,

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INCRIMINATING: Moderna, NIAID, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation helped develop SARS-CoV-2 and launched predatory vaccine experiments long before COVID-19 Read More »

American oligarchs: Are these billionaires GUILTY of being involved in domestic terrorism and biological warfare?

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This article comes from “” Why isn’t the word “oligarch” ever used to describe American billionaires? Oligarch means a very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence, and they don’t have to reside in Russia, China, or Iran to fit that bill. In fact, several American billionaires support the highly corrupt tyranny that currently

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American oligarchs: Are these billionaires GUILTY of being involved in domestic terrorism and biological warfare? Read More »