
Felony Crimes End Pharma Immunity: US Criminal Conspiracy Strikes Root of Covid Nightmare

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Dr. David Martin has been spending the past year and a half fighting to unravel what he says is the global criminal conspiracy of coronavirus. Parties include the American and Chinese governments, the International Monetary Fund, and Blackrock. Martin says these groups are guilty of criminal conspiracy in a terrorist plot against the American people.Dr. […]

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Why Did It Take An Old Story About Horrific Dog Experiments To Convince People That It’s Time To #ArrestFauci?

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I originally posted about this back in August of 2021 This article comes from “” The rediscovery of a series of grisly experiments on beagle puppies has galvanized social media users into demanding the arrest of “America’s doctor” Anthony Fauci. But where was everyone when his work was harming humans? Images of a sad pair of beagle

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Why Did It Take An Old Story About Horrific Dog Experiments To Convince People That It’s Time To #ArrestFauci? Read More »