
To survive, red states must now NULLIFY the federal government and declare themselves “health freedom zones” that DENOUNCE the FDA, CDC and OSHA

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This article comes from “” With illegitimate occupier-in-chief Joe Biden waging outright war and economic terrorism against red states (see examples below), the leaders of those red states must now nullify federal government overreach in order to prevent their own citizens from being mass murdered by D.C. swamp policies that are intentionally designed to achieve depopulation. Some […]

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To survive, red states must now NULLIFY the federal government and declare themselves “health freedom zones” that DENOUNCE the FDA, CDC and OSHA Read More »

Those who think they’ve seen ‘mass deaths via COVID’ haven’t seen anything yet compared to the coming carnage by poverty, famine and tyrannical democide if Americans ‘surrender’

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This article comes from “” Historical plagues taught people of the affected areas much about the incompetency of experts in the realm of medicine, politics, theology, etc., but I’m not sure Americans have learned much. (Article by Dr. Don Boys republished from When major plagues finally and mysteriously left a devastated country, interest in religious matters

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Those who think they’ve seen ‘mass deaths via COVID’ haven’t seen anything yet compared to the coming carnage by poverty, famine and tyrannical democide if Americans ‘surrender’ Read More »

Australia going full Soviet over COVID-19: Govt. officials now encouraging citizens to rat out neighbors who are having friendly conversations

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This article comes from “” As we’ve been reporting, Western leaders are proving that deep down, they are really tyrants just like the authoritarian regimes they claim to oppose, as we are increasingly seeing in the age of COVID-19. In the U.S., one Democratic leader after another locked down their communities and their states and

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Australia going full Soviet over COVID-19: Govt. officials now encouraging citizens to rat out neighbors who are having friendly conversations Read More »

Americans are being terminated for ‘thought crimes’ for ‘voicing their opinions’: With ‘truth now treason in the empire of lies’, prepare for a full-scale communist-China style social credit system being imposed upon America

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This article comes from “” With America looking more and more like Communist-China every day and for good reason, with the UN’s former ‘Climate Chief’ Christiana Figueres claiming “democracy is a poor political system for fighting global warming while Communist China is the best model”, we’ll be taking a look within this ANP story at another direction America is being

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Americans are being terminated for ‘thought crimes’ for ‘voicing their opinions’: With ‘truth now treason in the empire of lies’, prepare for a full-scale communist-China style social credit system being imposed upon America Read More »

China has stolen enough data to have files on every single American, warns former deputy national security advisor

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This article comes from “” China has stolen enough data from the United States to effectively compile a “dossier” on every single adult in the United States. This revelation was uncovered by a Senate Intelligence Committee panel held on Wednesday, Aug. 4. During this panel, senators spoke with former Deputy National Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger, who served during the

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China has stolen enough data to have files on every single American, warns former deputy national security advisor Read More »

Cuba blocks internet access, ham radio broadcasts after protests to prevent the people from communicating

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This article comes from ““ The Cuban government has blocked access to the internet and amateur radio frequencies following widespread protests. Cuban citizens took to the streets to express anger toward food and medicine shortages and electricity outages. Given that the protests in Cuba were organized through social media, fears of similar censorship also emerged in the

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Cuba blocks internet access, ham radio broadcasts after protests to prevent the people from communicating Read More »

Cuba dumping COVID-19 vaccine victims in mass graves

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This article comes from ““ Independent news outlets working to share news from the communist nation of Cuba have reported that mass graves are being dug to dump Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine victims. According to the reporters, the bodies belong to Cubans who may have received the Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccines. Many of the victims did not even

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Cuba dumping COVID-19 vaccine victims in mass graves Read More »