
U.S. Army Intel Analyst Issues Serious Warning: America Facing “Color Revolution”

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Michael Cost is a former intelligence analyst with the U.S. Army. He served in Iraq. He says that he hoped to be able to raise his son in peace, but instead he’s forced to watch the Constitution be trampled into dust and his son’s future destroyed by Marxist tyrants. Michael says that America is in […]

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U.S. Army Intel Analyst Issues Serious Warning: America Facing “Color Revolution” Read More »

Airline Employees File Federal Lawsuit Against Biden Administration Over Vaccine Mandate

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This article comes from “infowars.com” Airline employees fed up with unconstitutional vaccine mandates are taking the Biden administration to court for an overreach of executive power. In the lawsuit filed Tuesday in US District Court, the US Freedom Flyers representing various airline employees teamed up with the Health Freedom Defense Fund to challenge the “desperately

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Airline Employees File Federal Lawsuit Against Biden Administration Over Vaccine Mandate Read More »

LIGHTS OUT, AMERICA: Energy company warns that Biden regime’s decision on shuttering pipelines will lead to widespread power outages

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com” We’ve been warning for months that the Biden regime appears to be purposely attempting to tank the country’s economy so they can then blame it not on their policies but rather on a ‘failure of capitalism’ so they can justify full implementation of their “new” socialist programs. It appears the

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LIGHTS OUT, AMERICA: Energy company warns that Biden regime’s decision on shuttering pipelines will lead to widespread power outages Read More »

Tennessee becomes latest state to ban COVID-19 vaccine mandates as Biden’s unconstitutional order continues to lose in federal court

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com” The governor of Tennessee became the latest to sign a measure banning Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for businesses with more than 100 workers, even as the mandate has had tough sledding thus far in federal courts. “Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed a sweeping measure into law on Friday that will largely

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Tennessee becomes latest state to ban COVID-19 vaccine mandates as Biden’s unconstitutional order continues to lose in federal court Read More »

“Breathalyzer”-style tracking devices to be required in all cars by 2026… does this mean they will also require proof of vaccination before your car will be allowed to start?

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(Something tells me, that after 2026, new cars sales will go down the drain. If we are still around…) This article comes from “afinalwarning.com”  The new Biden regime infrastructure bill contains dystopian language requiring all automakers to begin installing “breathalyzer”-style tracking and surveillance systems in new cars starting in 2026. The multi-trillion-dollar legislation tasks the Department of

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“Breathalyzer”-style tracking devices to be required in all cars by 2026… does this mean they will also require proof of vaccination before your car will be allowed to start? Read More »


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This article comes from “blacklistednews.com” YouTube has announced it will hide ‘dislikes’ from videos to curb “creator harassment,” with critics pointing out that this is merely a way of removing the huge amount of downvotes on videos posted by the Biden administration. “YouTube has announced that it’ll be hiding public dislike counts on videos across

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MSNBC Freaks Out Over ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Slogan on AR-15, Tells Secret Service It’s Threat Against President

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This article comes from “infowars.com” The pundits at MSNBC are reaching levels of hysteria previously not thought possible. The far-left fake news outlet launched into a meltdown over gun dealers marketing their AR-15 firearms with the “Let’s Go Brandon” slogan that’s become a new way of saying “Fuck Joe Biden.” Palmetto State Armory is marketing

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MSNBC Freaks Out Over ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Slogan on AR-15, Tells Secret Service It’s Threat Against President Read More »