
Everything that has happened was meant to happen.

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By: Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA I took my life in my hands and tottered to the shops again yesterday. To my horror and disappointment the shops, and indeed the streets, were full of mask wearing muppets. I think I was the only person not wearing a mask. In the shops everything took

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Everything that has happened was meant to happen. Read More »

Why Cash Is Vital To Freedom.

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Governments everywhere want to eradicate cash and replace it with digital money. Helped by the mass media, they are using covid-19 as an excuse to force us all to stop using real money and, instead, to pay for everything with credit cards or phone Apps. In China, 85% of all transactions are already done by

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Why Cash Is Vital To Freedom. Read More »

You Must Listen To The “Experts”…

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The “experts”. You know the ones the media worship. The fancy “titles”. They know what’s best, right? The media put these “pundits” on a pedestal. When you listen to what they say and do your own research, you can clearly see that their story falls apart. It all comes down to CONTROL. Here is a

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You Must Listen To The “Experts”… Read More »