
BUSTED: Arnold Schwarzenegger Caught MASKLESS After Saying “Screw Your Freedoms”

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This article comes from “” Earlier this week, Arnold Schwarzenegger said “screw your freedoms” to anyone who didn’t want to wear a mask or inject their bodies with an experimental vaccine. He also called these freedom-lovers a bunch of “schmucks”. Well, as fate would have it, the radical left-wing celebrity was caught MASKLESS in Beverly Hills, CA

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BUSTED: Arnold Schwarzenegger Caught MASKLESS After Saying “Screw Your Freedoms” Read More »

Schwarzenegger to Anti-Maskers: ‘Screw Your Freedom’

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This article comes from “” Former California Governor and Hollywood superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger had some choice words for anti-maskers on Wednesday: “screw your freedom.” “We cannot just say, ‘I have the right to do X, Y and Z.’ When you affect other people, that is when it gets serious,” Schwarzenegger said in a CNN discussion

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Schwarzenegger to Anti-Maskers: ‘Screw Your Freedom’ Read More »