
The “next pandemic” is coming, says Bill Gates, who says more censorship needed to “moderate some of the insanity online”

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This article comes from “citizens.news” If you thought Operation Warp Speed was rolled out fast, just wait until the next “pandemic” arrives. Covid was just a warmup, according to billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, who is already warning about the next scamdemic and the speed with which the next round of “vaccines” will be unleashed. “Next time […]

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The “next pandemic” is coming, says Bill Gates, who says more censorship needed to “moderate some of the insanity online” Read More »

Communists Target Truthful MDs Doctors Who “Question The Science” To Lose Medical Licenses

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California is a tyrant state! Expert Dr. Richard Amerling joins Stew Peters to detail how California is choking out the truthful doctors by ripping away their licenses! California is targeting children to get vaccinated, while destroying the practices of dissident doctors!

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Communists Target Truthful MDs Doctors Who “Question The Science” To Lose Medical Licenses Read More »

Many people fully vaxxed against COVID-19 are now going BLIND

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This article comes from “citizens.news” People fully vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are now becoming blind. The latest data out of the United Kingdom’s Yellow Card system, the counterpart of Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S., showed a rising number of fully vaccinated people losing their eyesight. (Related: Many people fully vaccinated for covid are

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Many people fully vaxxed against COVID-19 are now going BLIND Read More »

URGET Alert For Elected Officials: Murderous Vaxx Pushers MUST Be Brought To Justice, No AMNESTY!

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Will DeSantis expose the truth about the vaccines? Karen Kingston is welcomed back to The Stew Peters Show to share how Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis may be able to stop the shots, by exposing that they’re bioweapons! Will DeSantis and Ladapo petition the Supreme Court to finally free us from the death shots?

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URGET Alert For Elected Officials: Murderous Vaxx Pushers MUST Be Brought To Justice, No AMNESTY! Read More »

Heart Attacks SURGE From Vaxx; Un-Vaxxed Illegals To Replace Dead Americans Who Took Clot Shot

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A first hand account of the SURGE in Cardiac Cases on the ground.But that’s not all… there is a surge of illegal aliens on the southern border coming in to replace every death. Was this all an orchestrated great replacement plan? The Stew Peters show speaks to Steve Slepcevic about this.

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Heart Attacks SURGE From Vaxx; Un-Vaxxed Illegals To Replace Dead Americans Who Took Clot Shot Read More »

“Turbo Cancer” SURGING Breast, Colon, Esophagus, Kidney, Liver, & Pancreas Cancer Rates EXPLODE!

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Mutant vaccine cancer is attacking! Dr. Ben Marble is welcomed back to The Stew Peters show to expose the massive surge in cancers of every type! The turbo-cancer takeover is occurring in the vaccinated, and greatly hurting the population as people die off!

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“Turbo Cancer” SURGING Breast, Colon, Esophagus, Kidney, Liver, & Pancreas Cancer Rates EXPLODE! Read More »

Honest Doctor’s License Revoked Pediatrician PUNISHED For Linking Child Vaccines To Adult Diseases

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Good doctors are being attacked! DeAnna Lorraine joins Stew Peters to share how Dr. Paul Thomas had his medical license removed after giving informed consent about the dangers of the jab! For sharing that the vaccine increases autism, cancer, and heart failure, Dr. Thomas was silenced!

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Honest Doctor’s License Revoked Pediatrician PUNISHED For Linking Child Vaccines To Adult Diseases Read More »

Media BLACKOUT: Vaxx Deaths & Injuries Surge, Jab Shills Refuse To Engage

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It’s time to make them accountable! Steve Kirsch joins Stew Peters to expose how the Elites are keeping the people convinced the vaccine will save us! The people are waking up and are realizing the shot kills. Now, how do we take conversation to the Elites? (After watching this, it looks like they have gotten

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Media BLACKOUT: Vaxx Deaths & Injuries Surge, Jab Shills Refuse To Engage Read More »

Why You May Soon Find Yourself in ‘Digital Prison’

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From “chidrenshealthdefense.org” Your digital identity will be required to unlock all aspects of life, from logging onto the internet to accessing social services, travel, food, shopping and financial services. By: Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at a glance: In the video below, Maria Zeee with ZeeeMedia interviews computer scientist Aman Jabbi about the coming international vaccine passport, digital identity, the

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Why You May Soon Find Yourself in ‘Digital Prison’ Read More »