
Twitter scrubs footage showing Emergencies Act lawyer COLLAPSE after taking covid jab

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This article comes from “”  It has become much harder to find video footage of Public Order Emergency Commission lawyer Gabriel Poliquin collapsing during a recent hearing, presumably due to having been “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), because Twitter is reportedly deleting tweets that contain it. In case you missed it, Poliquin was answering questions about […]

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Twitter scrubs footage showing Emergencies Act lawyer COLLAPSE after taking covid jab Read More »

CLOWN SCIENCE: Pfizer and Moderna to self-investigate their own covid jabs for heart risks

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This article comes from “”  Following the release of numerous medical studies linking Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” to myocarditis and other heart problems, pharmaceutical corporations Pfizer and Moderna have announced plans to conduct their own in-house testing to assess the long-term health effects of their respective covid jabs. Seeing as how at least one of these two

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CLOWN SCIENCE: Pfizer and Moderna to self-investigate their own covid jabs for heart risks Read More »

MARK OF THE BEAST? PROOF: Toxic Graphene Oxide Nano Bots Self Assemble In Vaxxed Blood

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The “vaccines” are filled with NANOTECH! Dr. David Nixon joins Stew Peters to detail his findings inside the C-19 injections. Intricate circuit boards are self-assembling within the veils, what do they do, and WHY are they there?

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MARK OF THE BEAST? PROOF: Toxic Graphene Oxide Nano Bots Self Assemble In Vaxxed Blood Read More »

Embalmers Worldwide CONFIRM Mysterious Clots: Fibrous Clot Findings Flood Morgues And Funeral Homes Across The World

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Clotting CRISIS! Embalmer Richard Hirschman joins Stew Peters to detail the bizarre phenomenon occurring in the bodies of the vaccinated. Alien like, unnatural clots are growing inside the HUMAN body! It’s a horror film!

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Embalmers Worldwide CONFIRM Mysterious Clots: Fibrous Clot Findings Flood Morgues And Funeral Homes Across The World Read More »

Father loses Son to Vax/Myocarditis, Child Jab Targeting Continues: Big Tech Blackout

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Ernest Ramirez lost his son just five days after getting the Pfizer shot. Now, Ernest is facing censorship on social media for sharing what happened on social media and trying to call out the people who murdered his son. He speaks to Stew Peters about his ordeal on his deceased son’s birthday.

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Father loses Son to Vax/Myocarditis, Child Jab Targeting Continues: Big Tech Blackout Read More »

TYRANT: Ultra-leftist Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor condemns New York City employees to DEATH by lethal mRNA injections

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This article comes from “” City employees in the Big Apple have been given a death sentence by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who tossed in the trash bin an emergency application that would have protected New York City firefighters, police officers, and other government employees against mandatory Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.” Employees in the city were

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TYRANT: Ultra-leftist Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor condemns New York City employees to DEATH by lethal mRNA injections Read More »

Ardis and Adams Blow Open Truth On Mass Genocide

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On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane welcomes two powerhouse patriots and C19 mass genocide experts, Dr. Bryan Ardis and Health Ranger Mike Adams to review their recent findings on synthetic animal venom proteins and the toxic radioactive contents of the C19 shots and in the white clots found by embalmers. Both experts will

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Ardis and Adams Blow Open Truth On Mass Genocide Read More »

Died Suddenly: Healthy Woman BULLIED Into Getting Vaccine; Dies Grueling Death, Isolated From Loved Ones

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The killer injection is tearing apart families across the world! Debbie Zagaja joins Stew Peters to detail the brutal death of her healthy, active sister Connie, after she took the jab. Connie’s organs failed, her body inflated like a balloon, and doctors sliced up her whole body, attempting to relieve the pressure. Connie was killed

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Died Suddenly: Healthy Woman BULLIED Into Getting Vaccine; Dies Grueling Death, Isolated From Loved Ones Read More »