The Biden Empire Eyes A New Enemy…Gas Stoves…The Latest Threat To “American Safety” Despite Record Drug Abuse And Human Trafficking Flowing From The Open Border

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Rather than protecting Americans from dangerous cartels who are trafficking humans and distributing record levels of Fentanyl into the country, The Biden administration has chosen a new enemy, the gas stove.

Joe Biden and his cohorts’ desire to control everyday American lives hit a new level of absurdity. Biden’s leftist administration is trying hard to tie gas stoves to indoor pollution and ultimately to asthma despite a lack of significant evidence. US Consumer Product Safety commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. said gas stove usage creates a “hidden hazard.” The commissioner went on to say, “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

“Agency staff plans to start gathering data and perspectives from the public on potential hazards associated with gas stoves, and proposed solutions to those hazards later this year,” the US Consumer Product Safety Commission said in a statement detailing their plan, “Commission staff also continues to work with voluntary standards organizations to examine gas stove emissions and address potential hazards.”

Jill Notini, gas cooking industry spokesperson, addressed the potential ban saying the type of stove used would not change the air quality,

A ban on gas cooking appliances would remove an affordable and preferred technology used in more than 40% of homes across the country. A ban on gas cooking would fail to address the overall concern of indoor air quality while cooking because all forms of cooking, regardless of heat source, generate air pollutants, especially at high temperatures.”

Biden’s push to destabilize American energy, which historically relies on multiple energy sources, and towards utilizing electricity solely, despite a struggling electric grid is ludicrous. The Inflation Reduction Act offers financial incentives to purchase electric appliances. The Act provides rebates of $840 for electric stoves or other electric appliances and $500 to help cover the costs of converting from gas to electric.

But Democrats aren’t worried about moving Americans toward unsustainable energy sources; they are more concerned with utilizing taxpayer dollars to make Americans more dependent on failing government infrastructure.

Congressman Byron Donalds said it well, 

“Democrats want to ban gas stoves. Republicans want to LEAVE YOU ALONE.”

Governor DeSantis addressed Biden’s globalist plan to ban gas stoves, saying these policies treat Americans like surfs. Gas stoves helped Floridians maintain cooking abilities following the hurricane. He reassured his constituents that he would not adhere to the CCP-led initiatives of the World Economic Forum designed to make Americans dependent on a government-controlled power grid, saying,
“Davos policies are DEAD ON ARRIVAL in Florida!”

Covid 19 protocols provided the ultimate reminder that the government cares nothing about health. Instead, the driving force behind “safety” programs is controlling American lives. All while harming citizens financially and pushing their hard-earned monies into “green” programs that often financially benefit politicians and are not proven to provide a better environment.

Under the Biden administration, doctors were discouraged from recommending normal respiratory treatments like vitamins c and d and instead directed and incentivized to push expensive drugs known to have negative side effects that increase donors’ profits under the Cares Act. Numerous government employees likely profit from drug sales. Fresh air was discouraged as Americans were told to stay home, and those who decided to stroll beaches alone were threatened with arrest. Health clubs were closed while marijuana shops remained open. Michigan grocery stores closed seed isles, so customers wanting to grow their own sustainably “greener” fresh and healthy produce were forced to look elsewhere. The Biden administration has adopted the World Economic Forum agenda, desiring to control the population rather than honor the Constitutional freedoms afforded to Americans by their founding documents.

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