Well, it’s not like we didn’t see this coming. All it took was “it’s highness” Wal-Mart to announce that it was going to require customers to wear face coverings and nearly every other retail establishment followed like the sheeple they are. This is nothing more than “fear porn”. These retail establishments are a joke! Just imagine if every consumer “voted with their wallet” and just did not spend any money at these stores that are raping us of our freedom. It would hurt them where it matters and I bet they would change their behavior. But that’s not going to happen, because too many sheeple love the luxuries and “pacifyers” that society has created for them. They will put that face mask on without thinking what it really means. It is nothing more than a mind control device. It’s sad when I see a person wearing a mask with the U.S.A. flag on it. The American flag is supposed to be a symbol of freedom and yet that mask is the furthest thing from freedom. That’s hypocrisy. It’s a symbol of “submission” These masks take away ones identity and seems to make everyone look like zombies. We can’t even see each other smile anymore. People, there is so much fear being pumped into the American public right now. I thought we were stronger than this. How far are you going to let it go? There are also “masked” people starting fights with “non-masked” people. Below is a good video from Logic Before Authority about all of this.