Wall Street Journal tells financially struggling readers to “skip breakfast” to fight food inflation

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So-called “Bidenomics” is wildly unpopular with Americans who are largely unpleased with all the inflation and stagnant or falling wages that are part and parcel of the Biden regime’s “economic recovery” plan for the country. The Wall Street Journal‘s Gabriel T. Rubin, however, seems to think Bidenomics is just great, and is urging all Americans who are displeased with it to “skip breakfast” if they are having trouble making ends meet.

In a piece entitled “To Save Money, Maybe You Should Skip Breakfast,” Rubin suggests that “bad weather and disease outbreaks” are mostly to blame for sharp price increases, as are “continued effects from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”

Rubin fails to mention anything about the large cash infusions the United States continues to send to Ukraine and Israel as contributing to inflation, nor does he mention anything about the private Federal Reserve central banking cartel and its money-printing presses diluting and weakening the buying power of the failing U.S. dollar.

(Related: American hunger continues to soar as Bidenomics makes food too expensive for many families to afford – but there’s plenty of money for Ukraine and Israel!)

The Atlantic: “Inflation Is Your Fault”

Even more disturbing is a headline written by The Atlantic‘s Annie Lowrey that blames American consumers themselves for steadily rising inflation.

“Inflation Is Your Fault,” reads Lowrey’s headline, followed by a bizarre and non-sensical sub-headline:

“If people are so mad about high prices, why do they keep buying so many expensive things?”

Demonstrating her financial illiteracy without shame, Lowrey attempts to make the case that Americans are driving inflation because of their continued purchases of essentials, which are now much more expensive than they were prior to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic.”

“Inflation stings most if you earn less than $300K,” also claimed Bloomberg Opinion in an X post that also contains the following recommendations for how to overcome it:

“Here’s how to deal:

Take the bus

Don’t buy in bulk

Try lentils instead of meat

Nobody said this would be fun”

Keep in mind that the Biden regime continues to claim that there is now “lower inflation” than there was previously, even though prices continue to rise sky-high with seemingly no end in sight.

The Atlantic pointing fingers at consumers for inflation, Bloomberg advising readers to eat lentils, and WSJ suggesting skipping breakfast are all indicators of the U.S. economy’s distress, in stark contrast to the White House’s continuous assurances that everything is fine,” reports Zero Hedge about the insanity being pushed on Americans right now.

In the comments, someone joked that one great way to save a few extra bucks is to cancel your subscriptions to The AtlanticBloomberg and The Wall Street Journal.

“Or maybe the WSJ could try eating an appendage,” said another. “With luck, it’ll be the last time they put their foot in their mouth.”

“I skip reading the WSJ at breakfast every morning to save money,” joked someone else.

Another wrote that these types of headlines and recommendations are eerily similar to those that ran in the Soviet Union right before it collapsed.

“The hollowed-out dead economy that only worked for the communists and the propaganda,” this person added. “Especially the propaganda.”

“Instead, we need to hang all globalists waging war against farming and fertilizer, natural gas and coal and livestock, and poisoning the air and dimming the sun,” suggested another reader about how to rid the country of inflation and other societal problems. “Let’s start there.”

Still another wrote that the only people in America who are not suffering from inflation, besides the uber-rich, of course, are the illegal alien invaders who are getting everything for “free” from U.S. taxpayers.

The latest news about America’s race to the bottom can be found at Collapse.news.

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