Waukesha parade attack suspect hated white people and tried to hit as many as possible… but mainstream media silent unlike Charlottesville

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com”

The mainstream American media is beyond pathetic: Collectively, those outlets have become a gaslighting propaganda force unlike the world has ever seen and they are slowly but steadily unraveling the social fabric of our country.

There are no better examples of this reality than comparing the collective media responses to two similar, but not exact, vehicular attacks — one at Charlottesville, Va., in August 2017 involving a single death, and one just a few weeks ago in Waukesha, Wis., involving a half-dozen deaths and dozens more injuries.

The Charlottesville attack got a ton of coverage — from every aspect, every nuance, every angle — while the Waukesha story has not had “legs,” as we say in the news business.

Why? What’s the difference?

Two things: The skin color and politics of the two drivers.

In the Charlottesville incident, the driver was a suspected white supremacist and neo-Nazi on the “right,” while the Waukesha suspect is a radical left-wing black man, the latter just the sort of person that the disgusting fake news media loves to protect.

Every mainstream outlet from The New York Times to the Washington Post to CNN and beyond falsely declared what happened at a “Unite the Right” rally as the second coming of the era of the KKK (an organization founded by and populated with Democrats), despite the fact that the numbers of actual neo-Nazis and white supremacists in America pale in comparison to left-wing anarchists like Antifa, another group that gets little-to-no negative coverage from the left-wing media.

But those same outlets are refusing to report the leftist, anti-white racist extremism of Waukesha suspect and career criminal Darrell Brooks, even going so far as to call the attack on spectators and marchers alike a “parade incident” or “parade crash,” not an intentional act of murder (and racially motivated murder at that).

Mind you, we don’t yet know that Brooks’ motivation was racism, but that didn’t matter to the media in the Charlottesville incident: They all declared that it was, sans evidence or a trial, as a reflex — the same reflex they use to protect black racists from being exposed as such.

NBC News, without a shred of evidence and before one moment of a trial has taken place, pronounced the incident an “accident.”


“Jan 6 was an “insurrection” but black extremist Darrell Edward Brooks Jr intentionally ramming his car into dozens of people at a Christmas parade and according to witnesses doing a ‘zig zag’ to ‘hit as many as possible’ is just a car crash,” Information Liberation noted.

Separately, the site reported:

Black extremist Darrell Edward Brooks Jr “intentionally” rammed Christmas parade participants in Waukesha on Sunday and did a “zig zag” to “hit as many as possible,” according to a newly released affidavit.

As of this writing, more than a dozen children injured in the attack remain hospitalized, six of them in critical condition.

But to our disgusting mainstream media, Brooks’ attack was just an ‘accident.’

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