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Top globalist advisor continues pushing anti-human dystopia run by artificial intelligence
Says most people are right to think the future doesn’t need them
Yuval Noah Harari, one of the World Economic Forum’s top advisors and a close friend of the group’s founder Klaus Schwab, is back in the news after making outlandish remarks fit for a Bond villain.
Speaking with The TED Audio Collective podcast last week, Harari promoted his post-Great Reset dystopia for humanity.
Chris Anderson, head of the popular Ted Talks media platform, hosted the interview with Harari.
Regarding where humanity is heading in the 21st Century, the WEF advisor said we’re heading for a world where humans “are no longer part of the story of the future” thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies.
Floating a hypothesis of why people across the globe are becoming disillusioned with the current political, social and economic climate, Harari suggested it may spawn from them thinking the future doesn’t need them.
“Part of what might be going [on] is people realize — and they’re correct in thinking that, ‘The future doesn’t need me. You have all these smart people in California, in New York and in Beijing and they are planning this amazing future with artificial intelligence and bioengineering and global connectivity and whatnot and they don’t need me. Maybe if they are nice, they will throw some crumbs my way, like universal basic income.’ But it’s much worse psychologically to feel that you are useless than to feel that you are exploited,” Harari explained.
Describing what 21st Century technology will mean for mankind, the globalist lecturer and author told Anderson, “We just don’t need the vast majority of the population because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology like artificial intelligence, bioengineering, most people don’t contribute anything to that accept perhaps for their data. And whatever people are doing that is useful, these technologies will increasingly make redundant and will make it possible to replace the people.”
Next, Anderson tried to envision what humans could do with their newfound free time if most jobs and tasks are being completed by robots and AI, floating the idea that people could instead focus on things they find interesting.
In response to this, Harari agreed there will be “many new and exciting jobs for humans,” but countered by arguing most people will not be able to do those new jobs and “will be left behind.”
Perhaps catching on to how brutal Harari’s comments are, Anderson asked, “So again, trying to desperately apply some sort of more hopeful spin on this … a lot of the jobs that are being displaced are actually kind of boring jobs that don’t really tap into the core of what the human is.”
Attempting to lighten up the bleak look for our future, the Ted Talk founder claimed “there’s no shortage of things” people could do when all the jobs are taken.
“People are really good at making lonely people not feel lonely, and pretty much anyone can do that,” he noted. “You know, communities are a mess. Pretty much anyone who lives somewhere could do, in principle, something to make a community better. They could paint a fence, or do some voluntary service, or whatever.”
When it comes to the future’s reduced population, Harari explained the first wave of people to become “useless” will be those living in third-world countries like Honduras.
Essentially, when it becomes cheaper for nations like America to produce their own industrial goods via AI-controlled unmanned labor forces, they will no longer employ the cheap workers in other nations.
The top WEF advisor said he could picture “tech giants in California” helping redistribute wealth to “mothers in Pennsylvania,” but cannot see First World nations financially helping poor citizens in “Honduras or Mexico or Brazil.”
Harari also talked about one of his favorite topics, the ability to “hack” human beings so they can manipulate our decisions, predict our choices and make decisions for us.
Likely noticing humanity will be almost entirely phased out in the dystopian world the global elite have planned, Anderson asked, “Is there any scenario where we could write ourselves back into this story in quite an important way as being the only things in the universe that we know of that are actually capable of the things that matter most in the universe — i.e., love, joy, creativity, the sort of that feeling of peace you talked about?”
Harari avoided directly answering if there is a way to “write ourselves back into this history,” and warned the people of the world, “There is now a race, a competition, to hack humanity in general and to hack you in particular.”
“You should make the effort to stay ahead of your competitors of the big corporations, the governments that are trying to hack you. So, you need to get to know yourself better because there are now these forces that are trying to hack you,” he added.
To ensure mankind is able to navigate through “climate change,” threats of nuclear war and “disruptive technologies” like AI, the WEF speaker unpredictably called for “global cooperation.”
If there was a betting line on which currently living person could turn out to be Satan in the flesh, Harari would almost certainly have the lowest odds.