What Have We Learned In The Last Four Years?

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It’s been four years since the first page of this website was launched. In those four years I have learned that people despise the truth and love fantasy world distractions. I have learned who my true friends and family are. You can always test a person by simply speaking about the true reality of the world we live in. If they run away or get mad after about ten minutes, then you know that they do not want to face reality and that they only want to converse in small talk.

This country will not face the reality of the war that is being waged upon us until it makes them hit rock bottom. Then they might face reality or they will look to the government to save them from the problem that the government put them into. So many still believe in the left right paradigm and still fight among themselves instead of uniting against the system that is determined to enslave us. They also seem to believe that one man, such as Trump, is going to suddenly ride in and save them.

So many people have had their lives destroyed over the past four years thanks to the COVID-19 vaccines that many fell for. I have lost family members thanks to the poison and know others whose health has been devastated since taking the vaccines. I had already lost faith in the western medical system over ten years ago and through the past four years I have seen many more people find out that the medical system is not our friend. Even today, in 2024, there are still so many still walking around with face masks on. It is sad to see them living in fear. As we approach May 27, 2024 there are so many that are not even aware of what will take place that day at the World Health Organization.

What have we learned about the law enforcement of America? I hope many have realized that the majority of those who swore an oath to uphold our Constitutional Rights are busy trampling them. I have posted so many examples of how tyrants behave and crave power over the citizens that they should be protecting. There are no more “good cops” left because the good ones get weeded out or they quit when they realize how corrupt the system is. The ones that are left are the ones that will gladly point a gun to your head when they get the order to. Same goes for the ones still in the military.

So, as we continue this journey into the remainder of 2024, buckle up. I think we are in for one hell of a ride the closer we get to the November “selection”. It seems Trump is being “groomed” to win, regardless of the lawfare being shown to the world. If the “selectors” choose the Biden puppet again you can just kiss America goodbye. Either way it goes, if the sheeple do not WAKE UP, the future generations will live in a dystopian hellhole that we could have stopped.

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