What This Mugshot Represents…

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Trump’s mugshot that was taken in Fulton County Georgia represents what this country has become, which is a “banana republic”. It represents how close we are to full blown communism. It shows how the game of politics has become an all out war where We The People are the casualties. For all the Americans that worship Trump just know that he is not your savior. No politician is. This country will be destroyed by globalists unless all Americans unite under the same principles as our founding fathers demonstrated.

Unless this country’s individuals stop turning to distractions, Hollywood, sports, and other forms of self indulgence and live each day as if there is a countdown to a total loss of their freedoms then they will get what they deserve. Americas days of luxury are quickly coming to an end.

Do not lose sight of the big picture by letting the Trump indictments distract you. Trump is a big boy and can take care of himself.

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