Woke University Professor Threatens To Kill Students Who Don’t Vote for Kamala Harris

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From “thepeoplesvoice.tv”

A woke professor at the University of Kansas has been suspended with full pay after threatening male students with murder if they do not vote for Kamala Harris this November.

The threat came in the middle of a lecture on sleep cycles that wasn’t even related to politics.

“If you believe guys are smarter than girls you have some serious problems,” the professor began ranting at the students.

“And so what frustrates me. There are going to be some males in our society that will refuse to vote for a potential female president because they don’t believe females are smart enough to be president.”

“We can line all those guys up and shoot them,” he stated, adding, “they clearly do not understand the way the world works.”

Modernity.news reports: The tolerant left saving democracy by disavowing it again.

Realising his bat shit crazy rantings we’re being filmed, he quickly added, “Did I say that? Scratch that from the recording. I don’t want the deans hearing that I said that.”

Too late bud.

The University suspended the professor after the video went viral, issuing a statement that read “[We] have been informed that the instructor is being placed on administrative leave.

They claim that was trying to stand up for “women’s rights” and “equality” but did a “poor job” of it.

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