19 Years Ago…

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September 11, 2001. I, like many, remember exactly where I was on that day. I was working as a deputy in “south control” at the law enforcement center of the county I worked for. When I heard what had happened my first thought was “no, this can’t be”. When I saw the news footage of the Twin Towers coming down I truly thought that America was under attack by terrorists. I felt anger, sadness, despair, and hopelessness.

I was naive and really thought that this event was done by outside forces. I did not realize at that moment that this was “an inside job” done to the American people in order to usher in “The Patriot Act”. It was the start of mass surveillance, the militarization of the police, and all of the body probing at the airports. It was used to treat us Americans as “terrorists”. We lost so many liberties and freedoms that day on September. We are living in the same kind of attack on our freedom right now. This attack will put us in “digital chains“.

Today, please stop whatever you are doing. Take a few moments, and reflect on how many lives were lost that day. Think about how this country was changed forever. Think about how this “COVID19 plandemic” is another 911, only it’s not bringing skyscrapers down. It’s using fear and deception. After that, take some time and watch this excellent documentary on who the real 911 suspects were.

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