September 2021

AZ forensic audit results show SYSTEMIC fraud, faked votes, more than 5X the margin of “victory” from just one county out of the entire state … prepare for CRISIS THEATER distractions

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This article comes from “” This is the Situation Update for 9-24-21 by The Health Ranger The Maricopa County forensic audit results have been leaked, and if the draft documents are correct, they already show over 54,000 fraudulent, faked and otherwise invalid ballots — more than five times the margin of “victory” for Joe Biden. […]

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AZ forensic audit results show SYSTEMIC fraud, faked votes, more than 5X the margin of “victory” from just one county out of the entire state … prepare for CRISIS THEATER distractions Read More »

Salad vaccines? Mad scientists want to grow mRNA covid “vaccines” in genetically modified lettuce, so you can EAT spike protein bioweapons as required by government

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This article comes from “”  If people continue to refuse the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” needles, then Big Pharma is going to start growing the vaccinations in our food. The next potential phase of the plandemic involves genetically modifying (GMO) lettuce to grow its own mRNA chemicals right in the leaves. That way, whenever a person eats a

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Salad vaccines? Mad scientists want to grow mRNA covid “vaccines” in genetically modified lettuce, so you can EAT spike protein bioweapons as required by government Read More »

Message To The Morons In Uniform – Your Fascism Will Return To Haunt You – David Icke

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Here is David Icke delivering a message to all law enforcement and military worldwide. If you have enough mental discipline, watch it and really think about it. Don’t just use the excuse: “I’ve got to follow orders”, “I’m just doing my job”, and all the other write off’s we have been hearing. Remember, what goes

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Message To The Morons In Uniform – Your Fascism Will Return To Haunt You – David Icke Read More »

Kent Heckenlively tells Mike Adams: Biden’s vaccine mandates have no legal grounds – Brighteon.TV

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This article comes from “” On the Health Ranger Report on Brighteon.TV, New York Times bestselling author Kent Heckenlively tells the Health Ranger Mike Adams that Alan Dershowitz is wrong to make the Supreme Court ruling on Jacobson v. Massachusetts in 1905 as legal ground for President Joe Biden’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandates. “At most it gives a government the authority to impose a relatively small fine.

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Kent Heckenlively tells Mike Adams: Biden’s vaccine mandates have no legal grounds – Brighteon.TV Read More »

Half of America gearing up to wage legal war against Biden over unconstitutional covid vaccine mandates

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This article comes from “” At least 24 states, or roughly half of the country, is planning to unleash hell against the Biden regime over its unconstitutional Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandates. Two dozen Republican state attorneys general have signed onto a letter challenging Biden’s mandate, which amounts to forced medical rape. Those states include Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas,

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Half of America gearing up to wage legal war against Biden over unconstitutional covid vaccine mandates Read More »

Fauci’s agency caught funding another study involving controversial organization reportedly involved in Chinese COVID-19 research

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This article comes from “” The National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, which has been run by Dr. Anthony Fauci since early in Ronald Reagan’s first presidential term, has been caught funding another study by a shady organization, EcoHealth Alliance, implicated in dangerous ‘gain-of-function’ research that likely led to the COVID-19 pandemic. The organization, run by Peter

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Fauci’s agency caught funding another study involving controversial organization reportedly involved in Chinese COVID-19 research Read More »

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny reveals how to address Covid without relying on vaccines – Brighteon.TV

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This article comes from “” Physician Dr. Sherri Tenpenny shares ways of addressing Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infections in a manner that respects the sanctity of the human body in an interview with pastor David Scarlett on the Sept. 17 edition of His Glory on Brighteon.TV. Tenpenny also denounces COVID-19 vaccines as methods to destroy the God-given genetic makeup of human beings.

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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny reveals how to address Covid without relying on vaccines – Brighteon.TV Read More »