July 2022

The vast majority of pharmacology, psychiatry, vaccine science and published research is a complete fraud

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This article comes from Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, via “citizens.news” Most published research is a complete fraud, and every field of science is dominated by hucksters, con artists and fakers who fabricate research to collect government grant money while pushing false narratives. – Decades of Alzheimer’s research is now revealed to be FAKED (see […]

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The vast majority of pharmacology, psychiatry, vaccine science and published research is a complete fraud Read More »

Health Care Workers Fired for Refusing COVID Shot on Religious Grounds Win $10.3 Million Settlement

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This article comes from “infowars.com” Hospital workers who were fired for refusing jab based on religious exemptions to receive $25,000, while workers who took jab despite objections receive $3,000. ‘This settlement should be a wake-up call to every employer that did not accommodate or exempt employees who opposed the COVID shots for religious reasons,’ says

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Health Care Workers Fired for Refusing COVID Shot on Religious Grounds Win $10.3 Million Settlement Read More »

Democrat-Led House Passes ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Targeting at Least 45 Specific AR-15s

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This article comes from “breitbart.com” The Democrat-led House of Representatives passed an “assault weapons” ban by a vote of 217 to 213 on Friday evening. The legislation, H.R. 1808, was sponsored by Rep. David Cicillene (D-RI). Cicillene tweeted passage of the bill: Democrats had intended to hold a vote on an “assault weapons” ban on

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Democrat-Led House Passes ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Targeting at Least 45 Specific AR-15s Read More »

The Genetic Panopticon: We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup, Waiting to be Matched with a Crime

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This article was originally published by John W. Whitehead at The Rutherford Instituhtion It has been republished with permission from the author. Please contact the author directly for republishing information.  “Solving unsolved crimes is a noble objective, but it occupies a lower place in the American pantheon of noble objectives than the protection of our people from suspicionless

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The Genetic Panopticon: We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup, Waiting to be Matched with a Crime Read More »

HUMAN LAB RATS: Getting “vaccinated” for monkeypox automatically enrolls you in W.H.O. data collection “clinical trial”

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This article comes from “citizens.news” Every person who takes the “vaccine” for monkeypox is being automatically enrolled in a clinical trial to gauge its effectiveness, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Tim Nguyen, WHO’s chief of infectious hazards preparedness agency, says nobody really knows what the monkeypox injections will do to people, meaning it is all just another

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HUMAN LAB RATS: Getting “vaccinated” for monkeypox automatically enrolls you in W.H.O. data collection “clinical trial” Read More »

VACCIDENTS: US traffic fatalities SKYROCKETED across the board in 2020 and 2021 – reaching highest level in decades

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This article comes from “citizens.news” The big question is why? Why are traffic accidents increasing to insane levels just since the pandemic began? National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) even predicted it for 2021 when they estimated at least 44 U.S. states would see “increases in traffic deaths.” How could they have known this in advance? Fatalities

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VACCIDENTS: US traffic fatalities SKYROCKETED across the board in 2020 and 2021 – reaching highest level in decades Read More »

BREAKING: House WILL Vote On Assault Weapons Ban & PLCAA Repeal TOMORROW!!!

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As posted yesterday (July 27, 2022), it was thought that this “assault weapon” ban was put on hold. Well they have decided to to vote tomorrow (July 29, 2022) in an effort to try and dismantle the Second Amendment! Here is Jared from “Guns & Gadgets” giving us the rundown on this change of plans

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BREAKING: House WILL Vote On Assault Weapons Ban & PLCAA Repeal TOMORROW!!! Read More »
