September 2023

Remember when the U.S. Army was caught secretly testing deadly chemical weapons near St. Louis residential neighborhoods during the Cold War?

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This article comes from “” In 2012, Fox News ran a story about secret chemical weapons testing schemes being run by the United States military on U.S. soil during the Cold War that is more relevant than ever in today’s political climate. With so much talk about the COVID biological weapon, the conflict between Russia and the West, and […]

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Remember when the U.S. Army was caught secretly testing deadly chemical weapons near St. Louis residential neighborhoods during the Cold War? Read More »

Prince Warned Humanity About WEF’s Depopulation Agenda in 1996

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From “” Lyrics embedded deep in a Prince album track released 26 years ago eerily prophesied a future that has come to pass since the Covid-19 pandemic was unleashed on an unsuspecting public. Exposing the New World Order’s plans for mRNA style vaccines that alter biology and act as tracking devices, as well as the

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Prince Warned Humanity About WEF’s Depopulation Agenda in 1996 Read More »

Big Brother: Your WiFi Can Now Be Used To “See” Throughout Your Home

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From “” This should make your hair stand up! Your WiFi router and all your smart appliances (including your smart meter) create a dense web of EMF radiation in your home that can be used to see everything and anyone. A scanner used by someone outside your home can see through walls, spot people inside,

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Big Brother: Your WiFi Can Now Be Used To “See” Throughout Your Home Read More »

Multiple Remote Viewers Warn of World Changing Event at Year’s End

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From Greg Reese Transcript of video: The counterculture is now aware of False Flags. Operations that are executed by the powers that be and blamed on someone else are now being called out in real-time on social media platforms despite the censorship. It’s becoming popular. And if the powers that be can no longer trick

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Multiple Remote Viewers Warn of World Changing Event at Year’s End Read More »

New York City Considering Removing Statues of George Washington, Others

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This article comes from “” New York City is considering a measure that would essentially remove statues of Founding Fathers such as George Washington, all while facing a migrant crisis costing taxpayers billions. According to a list found in New York City’s council agenda for Tuesday, September 19, officials will consider a bill that would: …require the

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New York City Considering Removing Statues of George Washington, Others Read More »

Yes, You Are Being Manipulated

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#DoNotComply From “” Recently, a search on Pubmed using the search terms “COVID-19 vaccines” revealed a shocking trend. So, what did I find?  There are literally thousands of peer-reviewed studies on vaccine hesitancy and how the government can overcome it. In sum, there are over 6,000 such studies on Pubmed. A more narrowly focused search

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Yes, You Are Being Manipulated Read More »

Bill Gates’ massive COVID profiteering exposed in viral social media post

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This article comes from “” A viral social media post revealing how much Bill Gates profited from the Covid pandemic was viewed over two million times in just two days. (Article by Kelen McBreen republished from Popular X account Pelham shared the post, writing, “Bill Gates purchased shares in BioNTech (Pfizer’s partner for its mRNA Covid

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Bill Gates’ massive COVID profiteering exposed in viral social media post Read More »

Tim Ballard: Biden’s DHS and HHS now function as a child trafficking delivery service

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This article comes from “” Tim Ballard, a former Homeland Security agent and undercover operative in rescuing child sex trafficking victims who inspired the film “Sound of Freedom,” said the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have become a child trafficking delivery service in the United States. During the House Homeland Security Committee hearing

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Tim Ballard: Biden’s DHS and HHS now function as a child trafficking delivery service Read More »