July 2024

Tommy Robinson of Rebel News ARRESTED, then released, for “immigration offenses” during podcast tour

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This article comes from “naturalnews.com” Canadian authorities took aim this week at podcaster Tommy Robinson, who was arrested by police for “immigration offenses,” only to be released not long afterwards. The 41-year-old conservative activist whose real name is Stephen Yaxley Lennon was touring Calvary when both undercover and uniformed police officers found, swarmed and detained him, throwing him in the back […]

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Tommy Robinson of Rebel News ARRESTED, then released, for “immigration offenses” during podcast tour Read More »

Google Launches New Censorship Effort to Crack Down on ‘Toxicity’

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From “slaynews.com” Big Tech giant Google is expanding its online censorship as the critical 2024 elections draw near. The new crackdown is being led by Google’s Jigsaw censorship division. Jigsaw, originally called Google Ideas, was launched under former CEO Eric Schmidt in 2010. Schmidt’s idea sought to tackle “issues at the intersection of technology and

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Google Launches New Censorship Effort to Crack Down on ‘Toxicity’ Read More »

Woman Fired for Refusing COVID Vaccine Awarded $700K By Federal Jury

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From “wltreport.com” A federal jury has just ruled in favor of a Tennessee woman fired by her employer for refusing to be injected with the experimental COVID vaccine. Benton cited religious reasons as why she would not get the jab. The court ruled that Tanja Benton’s former employer, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, must pay her nearly $700,000

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Woman Fired for Refusing COVID Vaccine Awarded $700K By Federal Jury Read More »

JOE BIDEN FLASHBACK: “I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign…”

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From “100percentfedup.com” I want to take everyone on a quick flashback…. Back to 2020…. Back before this whole Biden Regime nightmare started and he was just the “Resident-Elect” speaking with CNN about how he and Kamala get along. Because if you remember at the time, they had just faced off in a nasty primary debate

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JOE BIDEN FLASHBACK: “I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign…” Read More »

SCOTUS Ruling On Trump

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This article comes from “infowars.com” The United States Supreme Court on Monday issued a 6-3 ruling that former presidents have total immunity from prosecution for any official presidential acts, but do not have immunity for any unofficial acts. The court stated: “The President enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the President does

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SCOTUS Ruling On Trump Read More »

Top Scientists Confirm Covid Shots Cause Heart Attacks in Children

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From “slaynews.com” A comprehensive study by leading pediatric scientists has confirmed that the devastating surge in heart failure among children is caused by Covid mRNA shots. The peer-reviewed study, published in the prestigious journal Med, was conducted by scientists at the University of Hong Kong. The team, led by Dr. Hing Wai Tsang, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent

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Top Scientists Confirm Covid Shots Cause Heart Attacks in Children Read More »

Michelle Obama Spotted on Voter Registration Letters As Democrats Prepare ‘Big Switch’

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From “thepeoplesvoice.tv” Former first lady Michelle Obama has begun appearing on Democrat voter registration letters in key states as Democrats prepare to switch candidates midstream following Biden’s disastrous first debate performance against Trump. Inviting potential voters to “join us for a party at the polls,” the registration letters feature the visage of Michelle Obama and

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Michelle Obama Spotted on Voter Registration Letters As Democrats Prepare ‘Big Switch’ Read More »

How Climate Racketeers Aim To Force Us Into Smart Gulags

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From “technocracy.news” Smart cities, 15-minute cities, and predictions of moving rural citizens to cities have been in the works for at least 30 years. China was ahead of the curve by moving 300 million farmers to cities, stripping them of their land, their generational profession, and their dignity. ⁃ TN Editor Shocking evidence is emerging

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How Climate Racketeers Aim To Force Us Into Smart Gulags Read More »