
I believe in the foundation of truth. I believe that no man has a higher authority over another man.

W.H.O. Insider Exposes GAVI, Bill Gates For Perpetrating Coronavirus Plandemic

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ Dr. Astrid Stückelberger dropped some major bombshells during a recent interview that completely blew the lid on billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates, the corrupt World Health Organization (WHO), and other nefarious elements that all conspired together to perpetrate the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic on the world. A scientist, writer and WHO insider, Dr. Stückelberger used to believe […]

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W.H.O. Insider Exposes GAVI, Bill Gates For Perpetrating Coronavirus Plandemic Read More »

The Woke Wars Claim the Scalp of Dead White Male Dr. Seuss…

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This article comes from “dcdirtylaundry.com“ Six Dr. Seuss Books Will No Longer be Published Over “Racist Images”? They are determined to erase our history. “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And

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The Woke Wars Claim the Scalp of Dead White Male Dr. Seuss… Read More »

Fauci desperately wants to rollout Vaccine Passports and grant vaccine companies absolute control over your life.

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared in a recent interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. As usual, Stephanopoulos asked no serious questions and went along with every controlling suggestion that Fauci made, while prodding viewers to obey the expert and follow his data. Fauci took his usual authoritarian approach, advising Americans to get the covid

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Fauci desperately wants to rollout Vaccine Passports and grant vaccine companies absolute control over your life. Read More »

Pro-vaccine media is just a front for the CIA…

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This article comes from “afinalwarning.com“ Not long before he was banned from Instagram for “sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines,” health freedom advocate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appeared on an episode of the Ron Paul Liberty Report to discuss evidence suggesting that his father, Robert Kennedy, was assassinated by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). During

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Pro-vaccine media is just a front for the CIA… Read More »

31 reasons why I won’t take a COVID vaccine.

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I whole heartedly agree with this article from “lifesitenews.com“ It’s not a vaccine. A vaccine by definition provides immunity to a disease. This does not provide immunity to anything. In a best-case scenario, it merely reduces the chance of getting a severe case of a virus if one catches it. Hence, it is a medical

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31 reasons why I won’t take a COVID vaccine. Read More »

Employees Chase Down & Assault Customer Without A Mask…

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This article comes from “dcdirtylaundry.com“ People, get yourself a police type bodycam and have it recording anytime you enter a business that you are exercising your right not to wear an oxygen depriving mask! “The Manufactures tell you that masks do not prevent COVID-19 or disease, but the corrupt want you to believe otherwise!” Disturbing video out of

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Employees Chase Down & Assault Customer Without A Mask… Read More »