Bill Gates

How You Should Be Handled If You Don’t Comply…

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These idiots out there that think that every human should get this “CONVID19” vaccine really want to make the people who don’t comply a living hell. They will insist that corporations push their agenda to the point that your life basically grinds to a halt. If they play that game every American should boycott the […]

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How You Should Be Handled If You Don’t Comply… Read More »

Ready For The “Death Injection”?

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Why on earth are people begging for the “injection of death”? Why can’t these people do their own research and see that our bodies have their own defense system? You do know that these evil vaccine companies do not have any liability for these vaccines. If corporations and businesses start “requiring” that we have our

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Ready For The “Death Injection”? Read More »

Do Not “Acquiesce”…

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Why do so many people “acquiesce” when it comes to control? Meaning why do they give in and accept something without questioning it, protesting, and ultimately fighting against it? I believe it’s because so many have been “conditioned” to always take the easy road. They have been trained since childhood to believe in “fantasy role

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A Doctors Opinion Of A Possible Vaccine.

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In this video below, Doctor Carrie Madej gives her opinion of a possible vaccine for the “CONVID19”. She brings up some disturbing things that could be done to your body. Do not give in to the fear that is constantly being broadcasted from mainstream media. Do not submit to this tyranny. RISE UP AND PROTECT

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A Doctors Opinion Of A Possible Vaccine. Read More »

You Must Listen To The “Experts”…

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The “experts”. You know the ones the media worship. The fancy “titles”. They know what’s best, right? The media put these “pundits” on a pedestal. When you listen to what they say and do your own research, you can clearly see that their story falls apart. It all comes down to CONTROL. Here is a

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You Must Listen To The “Experts”… Read More »

David Icke On Current Events.

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Below is a video with David Icke speaking about this “scamdemic” we are living in currently and what it will take to defeat our enslavement. I know that most people have been conditioned to only have a small attention span, but sixteen minutes of your time to get some insight won’t kill you will it?

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David Icke On Current Events. Read More »