
LGBTZ? Top five things the destructive philosophies of transgenderism and zionism have in common

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This article comes from “” Is it time to add a “Z” to LGBT? Here are the top five things transgenderism and zionism have in common: 1. Both transgenderism and zionism destroy children. Transgenderism mutilates children through surgery, chemical castration and psychological damage. Zionism bombs children to death as they sleep in their beds. After […]

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LGBTZ? Top five things the destructive philosophies of transgenderism and zionism have in common Read More »

Rule by Criminals: When Dissidents Become Enemies of the State

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This article was originally published by John W. Whitehead at The Rutherford Institution It has been republished with permission from the author. Please contact the author directly for republishing information. “In these days of worldwide confusion, there is a dire need for men and women who will courageously do battle for truth.”— Martin Luther King

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Rule by Criminals: When Dissidents Become Enemies of the State Read More »

Born in a Police State: The Deep State’s Persecution of Its Most Vulnerable Citizens

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This article was originally published by John W. Whitehead at The Rutherford Institution It has been republished with permission from the author. Please contact the author directly for republishing information. “When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the

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Born in a Police State: The Deep State’s Persecution of Its Most Vulnerable Citizens Read More »

From climate zealotry to transgenderism, Trump worship and Christian Zionism, you are living in a world dominated by the groupthink of IRRATIONAL CULTS

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This article comes from “” Written by: Mike Adams You’re living in a world that’s run by cults. Almost everybody out there is a member of one cult or another. You have the climate cult, which somehow believes that carbon dioxide is bad for the planet, even though carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis and

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From climate zealotry to transgenderism, Trump worship and Christian Zionism, you are living in a world dominated by the groupthink of IRRATIONAL CULTS Read More »

Religious Mind Control and the Impending Holy War

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From Greg Reese Extremists of all three Abrahamic religions are being manipulated by the hidden hand. Transcript of video: The dark cabal herding us like sheep is only able to maintain its power by staying invisible. The most effective way of maintaining invisibility is, and always has been, the art of dividing the masses. This

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Religious Mind Control and the Impending Holy War Read More »

WAR, FAMINE, FINANCIAL COLLAPSE… Every engineered crisis is a COVER STORY for a larger globalist crime or power grab

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(This is a very good consolidation of everything humanity is currently facing.) This article comes from “” By Mike Adams Every crisis currently being engineered is designed to cover up a larger crime or power grab being committed against humanity by the globalist elite. It takes many years of experience of studying and exposing globalist

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WAR, FAMINE, FINANCIAL COLLAPSE… Every engineered crisis is a COVER STORY for a larger globalist crime or power grab Read More »


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Major Jeffrey Prather (ret.) returns to SGT Report to discuss the clear and present danger of the Biden administration’s demented folly as the warmongers in DC dance Americans toward the Zionist’s contrived WW3 on multiple international fronts. May God bless the truth tellers.

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