
David Icke On Current Events.

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Below is a video with David Icke speaking about this “scamdemic” we are living in currently and what it will take to defeat our enslavement. I know that most people have been conditioned to only have a small attention span, but sixteen minutes of your time to get some insight won’t kill you will it?

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David Icke On Current Events. Read More »

DNA Barcoding…

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If you go about your life just working, sleeping, watching TV, and “just existing” you are not seeing the things that are being done worldwide that could affect your life. There are so many so called “research programs” out there that are doing things that may appear as noble. When you dig into them, look

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DNA Barcoding… Read More »

The Vaccine Tyranny Begins…

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Well it’s not surprising that New York is the first to proclaim that COVID19 vaccines should be mandatory. So much evil grows from this state, so it should not surprise anyone. Here is the link to the article describing this. I will remind everyone that cares about liberty and freedom that once something starts in

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The Vaccine Tyranny Begins… Read More »