Pfizer Shills Falsely Claim They Can’t Be Sued; Another Psyop To Cover Crimes Against Humanity

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Over and over, you’ll hear people say that we can’t hold big pharma accountable for the damage they’ve caused, because of what our lovely and brave U.S. Congress did. In the PREP Act that they rushed through three years ago, they gave Pfizer and Moderna and all the rest basically total immunity for anything they […]

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Pfizer Shills Falsely Claim They Can’t Be Sued; Another Psyop To Cover Crimes Against Humanity Read More »

Same FDA that threatened doctors with prosecution over Ivermectin use now claims they never opposed it

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This article comes from “citizens.news” Everyone remembers when the Wuhan virus broke bad in America and the FDA, plus every mass media news source, claimed ivermectin was only “horse medicine” for parasites, and was dangerous to use on humans to treat Covid-19. The narrative coming from Big Pharma, the CDC (Centers for Disease Continuation), and the

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Same FDA that threatened doctors with prosecution over Ivermectin use now claims they never opposed it Read More »

Pharma sell-outs: Lawmakers once again taking aim at supplements, looking to ban them over ‘health concerns’

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This article comes from “citizens.news” Because they don’t apparently think there are any other problems in the country, like high food prices, an out-of-control border, falling 401(k) accounts, or woke curriculum in our public schools, a group of lawmakers are once again looking to ban health supplements. “If this proposed legislation passes, more than 41,000 nutritional

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Pharma sell-outs: Lawmakers once again taking aim at supplements, looking to ban them over ‘health concerns’ Read More »

Covid “testing” needs to STOP, says influential infectious disease panel

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This article comes from “citizens.news” The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) revised its guidelines recently to urge hospitals to stop testing all new admissions for covid. Not only is the cost high for both patients and providers, but the practice is medically useless based on the fact that they simply do not work. (Related: Even

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Covid “testing” needs to STOP, says influential infectious disease panel Read More »

FDA comes clean about covid-19 vaccines and formation of clots – two years too late

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This article comes from “citizens.news” The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is finally coming clean about covid-19 vaccines causing clots, but it’s two years too late, and FDA officials still refuse to take the jabs off the market. Americans have been manipulated and coerced to take over 613 million doses of a fake vaccine that doesn’t prevent infection and

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FDA comes clean about covid-19 vaccines and formation of clots – two years too late Read More »

FDA “turned a blind eye” to “submission of fraudulent data” on covid injections, investigator reveals

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This article comes from “citizens.news”  Documents released as part of a whistleblower complaint against Pfizer reveal that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “turned a blind eye” to the “fraudulent data” that Pfizer submitted alongside its messenger RNA (mRNA) Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine.” An agent within the FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigation (OCI) admitted in an

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FDA “turned a blind eye” to “submission of fraudulent data” on covid injections, investigator reveals Read More »


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From “blacklistednews.com” On Nov. 2, 2021, The BMJ broke the story of Brook Jackson, the regional director who blew the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s pivotal COVID-19 vaccine trial. Weeks later, documents were leaked supporting Jackson’s complaint about “falsified data.” Among the leaked documents was an email, authored by a former federal agent in the FDA’s Office of

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Pfizer Pushes For FDA Approval to Give Babies New Bivalent COVID-19 Shot

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From “100percentfedup.com” On Monday, Pfizer and BioNTech announced that they have submitted an application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for emergency use authorization of their unpopular bivalent COVID-19 vaccine for children under 5 years old. Pfizer has already had its original vaccine approved for children aged 6 months to four years old.

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Pfizer Pushes For FDA Approval to Give Babies New Bivalent COVID-19 Shot Read More »

Government Regulatory Agency Dictatorship – How the US federal agencies are armed-to-the-teeth for the war against Americans

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This article comes from “citizens.news” The FDA, FBI, CIA, DHS, EPA, USDA, and IRS are now fully geared up with assault weapons and millions of rounds of ammunition, thanks to the Obama and Biden Regimes, ready to battle Americans to the death over their food, land, crops, and yes, unpaid income taxes. Got some food the government

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Government Regulatory Agency Dictatorship – How the US federal agencies are armed-to-the-teeth for the war against Americans Read More »