
RED ALERT: Biden regime makes boldest move in history of America to ban, register firearms using federal bureaucracy

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This article comes from ““ When Democratic presidential contenders like Beto O’Rourke say they are going after our guns, they mean it. When Democratic presidential contenders say they are pro-Second Amendment and pro-Constitution, they are lying. Both of these facts have been proven anew thanks to a heinous new rule introduced this week by the […]

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RED ALERT: Biden regime makes boldest move in history of America to ban, register firearms using federal bureaucracy Read More »

Bush family nonprofit in bed with China: Group linked to Beijing-linked propaganda outlet

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This article comes from ““ America is not a monarchy and in fact, the United States was born out of rebellion to a monarch’s rule. As such, America should not suffer the burden of, or entertain, political dynasties, and yet, we have had them throughout our history. The Rockefellers. The Roosevelts. The Kennedys. The Clintons. The

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Bush family nonprofit in bed with China: Group linked to Beijing-linked propaganda outlet Read More »

Healthy people are locked down and blamed for lab-generated deaths to rollout tyrannical Vaccine Passports worldwide

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This article comes from ““ For over a year, we were told that SARS-CoV-2 was a natural occurrence, that laboratory experiments on coronaviruses did not exist. But gain-of-function virus engineering has been real for more than a decade. US and Chinese scientists have enjoyed grants from the National Institutes of Health to enhance the lethality of viruses

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Healthy people are locked down and blamed for lab-generated deaths to rollout tyrannical Vaccine Passports worldwide Read More »

Chiropractor targeted by FTC for selling vitamin D, zinc to fight the coronavirus speaks out

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This article comes from ““ ST. LOUIS, Missouri, June 9, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Amidst an atmosphere of sweeping censorship by Big Media and Big Tech, along with a smattering of government intimidation, a highly accomplished chiropractor has pledged to defend himself in a lawsuit levied by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) which claims he and his company, Quickwork LLC, have participated in deceptive marketing

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Chiropractor targeted by FTC for selling vitamin D, zinc to fight the coronavirus speaks out Read More »

Divorce court judge orders ex couple to get coronavirus vaccine

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THIS TYRANNICAL JUDGE THINKS HE OWNS PEOPLES BODIES This article comes from ““ A divorce court judge last month ordered a Texas man and his ex to get a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. The divorce docket dated May 10 gave this order: “Both parents are to get vaccinated for COVID by end of this week.” District Judge

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Divorce court judge orders ex couple to get coronavirus vaccine Read More »

Geopolitics expert warns China preparing for TOTAL WAR against the United States in “a matter of months” … cyber attacks, bioweapons, kinetic and NUCLEAR strikes all on the table

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Here is some interesting information from Mike Adams, “The Health Ranger”. This article comes from ““ Today’s Situation Update podcast (see below) focuses on what I learned from JR Nyquist in a horrifying interview conducted yesterday (also posted below, separately). JR Nyquist’s website is and everything there is worth reading. Nyquist is a high-IQ researcher who

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Geopolitics expert warns China preparing for TOTAL WAR against the United States in “a matter of months” … cyber attacks, bioweapons, kinetic and NUCLEAR strikes all on the table Read More »

Over 500 Georgia Republicans urge Gov. Brian Kemp to conduct a forensic audit into last year’s election results

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This article comes from ““ Over 500 Republicans in the state of Georgia have signed a letter urging Governor Brian Kemp to conduct a forensic audit into the 2020 election results. (Article republished from The letter, signed by 531 Republican precinct leaders, grassroots activists and delegates to the upcoming Georgia GOP convention, demands for an “independent forensic

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Over 500 Georgia Republicans urge Gov. Brian Kemp to conduct a forensic audit into last year’s election results Read More »

Texas prohibits businesses from requiring “vaccine passports”

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This article comes from ““ Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas has signed into law a bill prohibiting private businesses and government entities from requiring proof of vaccination for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Now that the Lone Star State is “open 100 percent,” Abbott announced in a video posted to Twitter that the next step was to ensure

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Texas prohibits businesses from requiring “vaccine passports” Read More »

Pentagon exposed for funneling $39 million to Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance to produce novel coronavirus bioweapons

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This article comes from ““ If you needed any more proof that “charities” often function as cover for deep state money laundering operations, then look no further than the Pentagon, which reportedly funneled $39 million to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) via the “non-profit” EcoHealth Alliance, headed up by British-born scientist Peter Daszak. According to newly released

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Pentagon exposed for funneling $39 million to Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance to produce novel coronavirus bioweapons Read More »


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There is not another word that is more powerful. When people say NO to the things that hold them back, try to control them, and try to silence them they are utilizing their God given right to their own freedom. The elites, big corporations, and the government hate it when people say NO to their

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NO! Read More »