
Everything that has happened was meant to happen.

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By: Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA I took my life in my hands and tottered to the shops again yesterday. To my horror and disappointment the shops, and indeed the streets, were full of mask wearing muppets. I think I was the only person not wearing a mask. In the shops everything took

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Everything that has happened was meant to happen. Read More »

CDC’s “Shielding Approach”…

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In a CDC document titled “Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings” it does not paint a pretty picture of how they intend to treat people that they suspect may have the “CONVID19”. As you can see from this excerpt, it talks about individuals being relocated to

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CDC’s “Shielding Approach”… Read More »

Why Cash Is Vital To Freedom.

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Governments everywhere want to eradicate cash and replace it with digital money. Helped by the mass media, they are using covid-19 as an excuse to force us all to stop using real money and, instead, to pay for everything with credit cards or phone Apps. In China, 85% of all transactions are already done by

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Why Cash Is Vital To Freedom. Read More »

Ban People for Not Taking The Vaccine…

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The day is coming. The day is coming where your freedoms and liberties are going to be shredded in regards to your God given right to refuse what enters your body. When this “vaccine for CONVID19” rolls out the government may say “oh it’s your right to refuse it” . The corporations, that are in

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Ban People for Not Taking The Vaccine… Read More »