
Please Look Closer And Wake Up!

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Please people don’t give into fear and believe everything that the mainstream media sells you. Propaganda and deception is so effective at manipulating the masses. What we are dealing with is not a medical pandemic. James Bullard, the president of the federal reserve bank of St. Louis, said “this is a planned, organized partial shutdown

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Please Look Closer And Wake Up! Read More »

A Very Important Video.

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It’s getting harder and harder to find the truth out there surrounding this COVID19 “plandemic”. Mainstream media will only tell you what benefits the elites and government. Take a moment to watch this video from Brian at High Impact TV. He has a concise presentation of what we are living in right now. If we

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A Very Important Video. Read More »

Most Don’t Realize They Are Being Attacked….

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From Bill Gates wanting to inject his cocktail into the masses to the federal reserve abolishing cash. Most Americans are still asleep and under the spell of the media distractions. From my experience trying to talk to most people just makes them cover their ears and run. They don’t want the truth, they just want

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Most Don’t Realize They Are Being Attacked…. Read More »