They are abusing the healthcare trust…
These tyrants and elites are actually pure genius. They have been working on this for quite some time and have executed a perfect weapon in this war. If you don’t believe that you are living in a war right now, then of course you are a sheeple. They have manipulated the healthcare system to act
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You Decide How This Ends…
I want to remind all people, especially Americans, that you have the power to not comply with anything that will destroy your freedom. You can decide right here, right now to not be a compliant little slave sheep. You can find your inner strength and use it to ignore all of the fear mongering that
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The Doctor That They Want To Muzzle!
Dr Stella is a WOLF! She speaks the TRUTH! As soon as she spoke the truth, the media censored her as fast as they could. Why? Because they want this tyranny to continue for as long as possible. They want total fear running rampant through the American people. If the real Americans don’t take off
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What Bill Gates Has Planned…
Bill Gates is a truly evil person. He seems like a villain out of a James Bond movie. The only problem is that this is real life and not a movie. If you care about yourself and your family, please do learn everything you can about what is being done to the entire population right
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This is an excellent explanation of this “plandemic” by David Icke. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
Is This The Future You Want?
Do you enjoy enslavement? Do you enjoy every aspect of your life being controlled? Do you love your “make believe” security over your freedom? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you are absolutely a sheeple. There are too many sheeple in this country. There needs to be a hell of a
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Take Heed To These Wise Words
Below is a video from Dustin Gold. He gives us a clear wake up call. If “sheeple” don’t get their heads out of their asses and stand up against what is being forced upon us, America will be committing suicide. I will warn any “snowflake” ears that Dustin drops plenty of “f-bombs”, but I think
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The Plandemic Documentary
Here is a documentary with Judy Mikovits that was jailed by the U.S government for no reason other than to keep her quiet. This video was censored by You Tube, which should tell you that they did not want this being seen by many people.
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W.H.O. Benefits?
If you follow the money in anything and see who benefits you will generally find your suspect. Here is a link to an article named “Hospital Reimbursement for Uninsured COVID-19 Cases May Total $42B”. Read it and draw your own conclusions.