Internment Camps

No longer a conspiracy theory: Australia admits using military to send people to covid camps

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This article comes from “” Australian authorities have been rounding up terrified indigenous people who tested positive for COVID-19 in the Northern Territory and bringing them to a quarantine camp in Howard Springs in what many are viewing as an extreme overreaction to a small outbreak of the virus in the Aboriginal community of Binjari.

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No longer a conspiracy theory: Australia admits using military to send people to covid camps Read More »

COVID-19 Detention Camps: Are Government Round-Ups of Resistors in Our Future?

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This article was originally published by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead at The Rutherford Institute. It has been republished with permission from the author. Please contact the author directly for republishing information. “No doubt concentration camps were a means, a menace used to keep order.”—Albert Speer, Nuremberg Trials It’s no longer a question of whether the government will

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COVID-19 Detention Camps: Are Government Round-Ups of Resistors in Our Future? Read More »

A Glimpse At The Robotic Future That They Are Trying To Create…

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The Health Ranger was talking recently about how robots are going to be used in the not-to-distant future to enforce laws instead of humans. He made a video from Elysium showing what it may look like soon, if we allow it.

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A Glimpse At The Robotic Future That They Are Trying To Create… Read More »

A Gray State – An Interview With the Director, David Crowley

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David Crowley knew what was coming for us I think. Too bad his movie never got produced. Our lives are headed toward the type of scenario that he was trying to depict in his movie idea. Listen to this interview with him before his untimely demise. Here is the trailer he made for Gray State.

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A Gray State – An Interview With the Director, David Crowley Read More »

Do you live near a FEMA concentration camp? FEMA has authority to SUSPEND LAWS and put you in one of their COVID isolation camps located across the United States

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This article comes from “” Most Americans really have no idea the power that FEMA wields; they mostly think it’s just some government rescue-type workers that help out after hurricanes, earthquakes and floods happen. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is actually a covert government with far more power than any other agency in this country.

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Do you live near a FEMA concentration camp? FEMA has authority to SUSPEND LAWS and put you in one of their COVID isolation camps located across the United States Read More »

Slowly But Surely Their Covid Ship is Sinking

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The beginning of this video is the trailer for the 2012 movie “Gray State”. It was a movie that was being developed by David Crowley, a veteran. It was depicting a totalitarian controlled landscape. Unfortunately, the movie never got completed, due to the very suspicious death of David Crowley and his family. This trailer provides

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Slowly But Surely Their Covid Ship is Sinking Read More »

CDC claims it has authority to use police to do everything you see going on in Australia; and Congress agrees

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This article comes from “” We’ve all seen the videos from Australia. Police chasing down and beating a helpless woman, shooting rubber bullets at construction workers who violate that country’s draconian lockdown rules. A 12-year-old girl gets pepper sprayed for not wearing a mask. (Article by Leo Hohmann republished from Watch the horrific excuse for policing

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CDC claims it has authority to use police to do everything you see going on in Australia; and Congress agrees Read More »