Mask Wearing

NC State Senate Votes To Ban Wearing Masks In Public

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From “” The Republican-led North Carolina state Senate voted to prohibit anyone from wearing masks in public. According to the Associated Press, the proposed legislation would even ban wearing masks in “public for health reasons.” The amended version of House Bill 237 passed in a 30 to 15 party-line vote. “The controversial bill, which would also

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NC State Senate Votes To Ban Wearing Masks In Public Read More »

N95 masks expose wearers to dangerous levels of toxic cancer- and seizure-causing compounds, study finds

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This article comes from “” The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has re-shared a study emphasizing the fact that wearing an N95 face mask for any reason can expose wearers to dangerous levels of deadly chemicals. Researchers from Jeonbuk National University in South Korea evaluated two different types of disposable medical-grade masks, as well as several types of reusable

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N95 masks expose wearers to dangerous levels of toxic cancer- and seizure-causing compounds, study finds Read More »

Scientists Admit People Who Wore Masks Got COVID More Often

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From “” People who wore face masks during the pandemic were more likely to contract COVID-19 than those who didn’t, according to an official new study. The peer-reviewed study, published in the journal Epidemiology and Infection on Nov. 13, analyzed mask wearing among 3,209 people from Norway. Researchers followed them for 17 days, and then asked

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Scientists Admit People Who Wore Masks Got COVID More Often Read More »

The Tyranny Of Technocracy And The Religion of Masking

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From “” Technocracy claims that it is the “Science of Social Engineering”. Technocrats turned to religious practices where face masks were common, then they weaponized the practice across all religions. This served to suppress free speech (i.e., don’t talk about technocrats) and to force submissive behavior on those who were too gullible to go along

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The Tyranny Of Technocracy And The Religion of Masking Read More »

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons says masks are ineffective against respiratory viruses, cause harm to body

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#DoNotComply This article comes from “” As the covidiots gear up for another round of Fauci Flu fascism this fall and winter, it is important to remember that the face masks they are once again going to try to force you to wear do not work and actually cause harm. The Association of American Physicians and

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Association of American Physicians and Surgeons says masks are ineffective against respiratory viruses, cause harm to body Read More »

American Airlines STRIPPING Pilots Of Medical Freedom: Captain Saliba Files Lawsuit In Response

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When will pilots stand up and say “enough is enough.”?Captain Bahig Saliba joins Stew Peters to detail his lawsuit and fight for medical freedom.Wearing a mask made it harder for pilots to focus and breath clean air.The masks endangered lives and Bahig Saliba refused to wear a mask.He also refused to take the vaccine bioweapon.Bahig

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American Airlines STRIPPING Pilots Of Medical Freedom: Captain Saliba Files Lawsuit In Response Read More »

Civil Disobedience Against Mandatory Masking Works

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#DoNotComply This article comes from “” Former professor of physics at the University of Ottawa Denis Rancourt breaks down how to effectively engage in civil disobedience when it comes to masking. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Denis Rancourt, a PHD and former professor of physics at the University of

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Civil Disobedience Against Mandatory Masking Works Read More »

Parents: Don’t let your child’s school district re-implement mask mandates – because some are once again trying

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#DoNotComply This article comes from “” One by one, America’s institutions are gearing up for another round of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) tyranny this fall, the latest being an elementary school in Silver Spring, Md., a wealthy suburb of Washington, D.C. For the next 10 days – or so they say – all third-grade students at

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Parents: Don’t let your child’s school district re-implement mask mandates – because some are once again trying Read More »