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“Man In America” interviews Dr. David Martin. Why does Dr. David Martin, who has worked so closely with Congress, think that COVID-19 wasn’t a freak act of nature or lab leak, but a plot years in the making? What criminal patterns has he seen before that are showing themselves again on the world stage? But […]

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Trump’s vaccine-pimping rhetoric proves BOTH parties are prostitutes to pharma and the central banks

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This article comes from “” This is the Situation Update for 12-21-21 from The Health Ranger Trump’s public speech on the vaccine has become indistinguishable from Fauci’s. In a recent event in Dallas, Texas, Trump sat next to Bill O’Reilly and bragged about taking the booster shot, adding that all Trump supporters should “take credit”

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Trump’s vaccine-pimping rhetoric proves BOTH parties are prostitutes to pharma and the central banks Read More »

Trump: “You’re Playing Right Into Their Hands” When You Doubt the Vaccine

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(Remember people, the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird…) (Trump will never admit that these “deadly cocktails” are killing so many.) This article comes from “” Former President Donald Trump told an audience of his supporters they are “playing right into their hands” by expressing doubt about or not getting

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Trump: “You’re Playing Right Into Their Hands” When You Doubt the Vaccine Read More »

Bombshell Audio Reveals Hunter Biden & Walmart Chairman Discussed ‘Pulling The Trigger To Stop Trump’ in 2020 Election

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This article comes from “” Contents from Hunter Biden’s “Laptop From Hell” reveal audio and text messages between the troubled son of Joe Biden and a top Walmart executive discussing “pulling the trigger to stop Trump” from winning the 2020 presidential election. A file found in the iTunes folder of Hunter’s laptop reveals an audio transcript from

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Bombshell Audio Reveals Hunter Biden & Walmart Chairman Discussed ‘Pulling The Trigger To Stop Trump’ in 2020 Election Read More »

Why is Trump given a hall pass on killer injections?

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This article comes from “”  The “vaccines” now being forced on the global population are shaping up to be perhaps the most successful eugenics program in human history, and the scam of the century is that these shots are being sold as a treatment that will keep you healthy, wink, wink. (Article republished from Even

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Why is Trump given a hall pass on killer injections? Read More »

Hospitals are financially incentivized by the government to “treat” covid patients (often killing them)

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This article comes from “” Modern medicine does not exist to help people heal from illness. It exists to enrich the coffers of the legal drug cartels, which we now know are receiving large cash bribes to “treat” Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) patients. Hospitals all across the country are reportedly getting paid $100,000 per patient to administer drugs

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Hospitals are financially incentivized by the government to “treat” covid patients (often killing them) Read More »

DECERTIFY: Arizona Audit Finds Trump Won State By Large Margin

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This article comes from “” The results of Arizona’s historic audit of the 2020 Maricopa County election show numerous discrepancies found in ballot forms, signatures, vote totals, and much more. One of the most important findings from the audit was presented by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, who discovered over 17,000 duplicate ballots, as well as many

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DECERTIFY: Arizona Audit Finds Trump Won State By Large Margin Read More »