
George Clooney Working With Police To Shut Down Alternative Media

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From “thepeoplesvoice.tv” Hollywood celebrity George Clooney has vowed to use his wealth and influence to launch a legal assault on the alternative media and punish those who spread information on the internet that questions the global agenda and exposes the elite. The Clooney Foundation For Justice has ordered its lawyers to pursue secret arrest warrants […]

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SAVED From The YouTube Purge: Klaus Schwab Admits It All On Video

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From “wltreport.com” This video has been deleted all across the internet. Gone from Twitter… Gone from YouTube… I’ve even heard of some being deleted off Bitchute. But after hours of searching I was able to find it. It’s the “super edit” of all things said by that creep Klaus Schwab. Or as some of you have

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SAVED From The YouTube Purge: Klaus Schwab Admits It All On Video Read More »

The Enemies of Food Freedom

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From “brownstone.org” n every war, there is necessarily an enemy force, and the war on our food supply is no exception.  My previous article addressed the ongoing attacks on farmers across the globe. In today’s article, we will look at some of the culprits behind this agenda. For anyone who delved into the entities behind the

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Oklahoma Outlaws WEF Agenda From State: “Globalist Politicians Will Be Prosecuted”

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From “thepeoplesvoice.tv” Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt signed a new law on Wednesday that prohibits globalist organisation’s such as the WEF, UN and WHO from pushing their agenda in the State. Bill 426 will go into action immediately, and makes it illegal for the WEF and any of its operatives from pushing their globalist agenda in Oklahoma.

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Tucker Carlson Says Klaus Schwab Is ‘Like an Elderly Idiot Who Seems A Little Senile’

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From “thepeoplesvoice.tv” Tucker Carlson has claimed that after meeting World Economic Founder Klaus Schwab in person, he realizes that he’s nothing but an “elderly idiot” who has “no idea what he’s talking about During a wide ranging discussion on the “Shawn Ryan Show” earlier this week Carlson described his chance encounter with the 86-year-old globalist during an

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Japan: ‘Billions of Vaccinated Will Die – Those Responsible Must Pay’

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From “thepeoplesvoice.tv” Japan has issued a formal apology to the unvaccinated, admitting that the government bowed to pressure from the international elite to employ “totalitarian” psychological warfare tactics on the public to brainwash citizens during the pandemic. According to Japanese officials, it is time to prepare to say goodbye to vaccinated loved ones, because billions

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UN, WHO & WEF Declared Terrorist Organizations By Florida Republican Assembly

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From “thepeoplesvoice.tv” The Lee County Republican Assembly has passed a resolution declaring that the United Nations, the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum are terrorist organizations. The resolution which was introduced by Joseph Samsone, also declares that cooperation with these organizations is an act of treason against the United States and the State of Florida. The the Executive

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The Globalist Panic Button Gets Pummeled

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This article comes from “infowars.com” There have been signs of a quickening of the fallout of the globalist agenda cowardly waging a silent war on humanity. The evidence of their genocidal crimes are now mainstream. There is no turning back. Many are fleeing like rats leaving a sinking ship while others are pummeling the panic

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